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Case Study

How MCC Contractors Diversified and Grew

As the civil construction company, MCC Contractors expanded their services and tackled more areas, handling paperwork and timesheets for their fluctuating workforce became a time-consuming challenge.

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Case Study

Optimizing Workforce Management with Resolve Marine

Before adopting Assignar’s platform, Resolve Marine faced several challenges in managing its large workforce, which consisted of over 300 employees spread across various locations worldwide. As a marine salvaging company, their operations were diverse, ranging from emergency responses and maritime projects to reef restoration and oil pollution containment.

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Case Study

Traffic Force Uses Assignar to Connect 3 Depots Across Western Australia

Traffic Force is a leading traffic management provider in Western Australia (WA) who experienced massive growth in just over a decade. With a total of 3 depots and a traffic management training business, Traffic Force sought a way to leave their server-based system behind for a digital solution that could communicate more efficiently with their traffic controllers.

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Workzone Traffic Control
Case Study

Workzone Traffic Control Saves 32 Hours Per Week

Workzone Traffic Control, a traffic management solutions company from South Austalia started out 20 years ago in a front yard with 4 vehicles. Today, the company manages 36 vehicles and over 100 workers. With their number of jobs increasing, the company needed an alternative to the Outlook calendar they had been depending on so they could solve their operational bottlenecks.

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Case Study

How Field Data Keeps Subterra Civil Building

Subterra has experienced significant growth over the years, extending its services to various multidisciplinary projects. As the business expanded, Subterra faced challenges in managing timesheets, tracking machine service and maintenance, and facilitating effective communication between the field and the office.

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Case Study

How Formula Alberta Improved Safety Communication

Before implementing Assignar, Formula Alberta faced significant challenges in maintaining safety and engineering documentation. They relied on hard copy books that contained the relevant documentation, which contributed to delays, mismanagement, and loss of documents. Formula Alberta had to maintain safety documentation records in case of an impromptu audit to meet safety audit requirements, which was a tedious process.

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Case Study

How Real-Time Reporting Improves Efficiencies with Martinus Rail

Assignar has been a fantastic solution for Martinus Rail, enabling engineers to track daily true costs up-to-the-minute, which was impossible with spreadsheets or paper dockets. Shelley and her team worked with supervisors on site to integrating Assignar into daily work, which helped to make their jobs easier, more efficient and freeing up staff for other tasks.

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Case Study

How J&S Drilling Improves Efficiency & Reduces Downtime

Before March 2022, J&S Drilling faced challenges in tracking their field staff. They relied on spreadsheets, PDFs, and writable forms for tracking their progress onsite.  A mix of technological advancements and client expectations meant that ‘everybody wanted everything – almost live’. Waiting until the end of a project to get the paperwork and analyze the data was not cutting it. 

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Case Study

No Office, No Problem: Deverni’s Success Story

As a mobile company, Deverni needed to find paperless solutions and overcome logistical restrictions caused by the pandemic. Additionally, the uncertainty around underground utilities made it crucial for Deverni to adopt a safe and efficient method of excavation.

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Case Study

How Accurate Field Data Helps Don Mann Excavating Grow

With more work comes more information that needs capturing in the field. 

Don Mann previously relied on paper timesheets and forms to collect this data. 

Today, all employees at Don Mann fill out their time with Assignar, and they use custom forms to collect job costing, job numbers, and cost codes. 

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Case Study

Managing Three Family Businesses with Assignar

Lily Hedges runs operations for three family businesses based in Australia: Enteq, Site & See, and Hydro-Vac Operations. 

After using Assignar at their flagship dry hire business Enteq since 2016, Hedges and her team didn’t hesitate to implement it in the family’s two new ventures. Here’s how she uses Assignar to manage three businesses and the value it provides for these family-run companies.

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Case Study

Penington Painting Company’s Path to Success with Assignar

For Penington Painting Company, documentation is critical. Since they couldn’t prove which coatings were applied correctly after the fact, they had to document everything as they worked—which led to mountains of paperwork for their team. That’s why Project Manager Taylor Bischoff was tasked with finding a streamlined, faster solution for the field.

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Case Study

How Larcon Electric Keeps Cash Rolling in with Assignar

Before Larcon implemented Assignar, General Manager Brian Winn and Business Manager Annice Stephens were the only administrators. Brian ran the service and construction departments alone.  

To get paperwork from the field, he had his foreman come into the office once a week to drop off paperwork. When paperwork didn’t turn up, Brian would drive to the job site, only to find that it never got filled out.

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Case Study

Data-Driven Decisions: How Force Civil Uses Assignar to Boost Margins

While we’re no fortune-tellers, we spoke with Assignar CEO and Co-Founder Sean McCreanor and pulled from the top industry reports to identify what you should expect for 2023. 

The big takeaway? Things are changing. Quickly. Here are the top trends in the construction industry—and some tips on embracing them to prepare for the coming year.

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Dynamic Hydro Excavations
Case Study

Transforming Reporting with Dynamic Hydro Excavation

As a growing company, managing operations using traditional methods became increasingly time-consuming and prone to errors. The use of paper documentation, including timesheets, forms, and dockets, was causing unnecessary double handling and delays.

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Kwik Logistics
Case Study

Kwik Logistics saves 4 hours a day and $35k per year

As a prominent provider of crane hire, specialized transport, and traffic control in Western Australia, Kwik Logistic achieved remarkable growth over the years, catering to diverse projects in mining, commercial, residential, civil, and renewable energy sectors. As the company expanded, the team recognized the need for modernizing its operational systems to support its growth.

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