Reducing Risk and Liability of Falls On-The-Job

Reducing Risk and Liability of Falls On-The-Job

The construction industry is the second most dangerous industry for workers in the United States, surpassed only by the logging industry. Of the falls and deaths occurring in the construction industry, nearly a third are caused by falls.

While safety training and investing in safety equipment and practices may cost a little, they are cheap when compared to the cost of an injury or death on a construction site. The paperwork, interrupted workflow, and perhaps a visit from OSHA all have negative effects on productivity with costs soaring above those for safety-related expenses.

It comes as no surprise that construction managers believe that it an expectation that an employee will abide by all company safety methods and process. This is not an item for negotiation with employees, it is a condition of continued employment.

Since 30% of all construction injuries are fall related, following are several tips for fall protection for your construction crew.

Tip 1 – Create a Culture of Safety

Safety starts with the top management of construction companies. Without the buy-in from senior executives, expecting workers to follow safety as part of the company culture is a fool’s errand. Where safety is concerned, leading by example is a must. Once top management is onboard with safety, employees will follow their example.

Tip 2 – Provide Training for All Employees

When construction companies use Assignar construction software new employee safety training and ongoing safety training is easy to do. Every new employee can review and be quizzed on safety training as it relates to the company’s policies and procedures. If a new employee needs additional training on equipment, it can be attached to the employee’s record. The Assignar system keeps track of when retraining or even recertification for certain equipment is needed. The records kept by Assignar also are used to show compliance with regulatory authorities.

Tip 3 – Hold Employees Accountable for Non-Compliance

The reward for following safety training for fall protection is the continued good health of construction workers. There is never room for compromise since we know that there are significant costs associated with accidents from falling. Although company sanctions go from a verbal warning to immediate termination, each company has their own method of disciplining workers. For companies keeping cumulative record keeping on discipline as a means of using progressive discipline (with each offense the punishment is harsher) Assignar employee record keeping module can keep track of warnings and prior discipline and even tell management what the next step for an uncooperative employee should be.

Tip 4 – Give Workers Safety Equipment That is Easy-to-Use and Comfortable

If equipment is hard to use and uncomfortable to use, chances are that a worker will shun them. No matter what your company policy concerning employees who fail to follow safety rules, much of the burden lies with management when safety gear is uncomfortable or difficult to use. Use Assignar to make sure that the right equipment is in the right place for workers at the right time. Ensure it is comfortable and easy to operate

Appeal to Employee Motivations

While most construction workers understand that following fall protection safety rules and regulations keep them safe; they do it willingly; some believe they are invincible. For them, it is a good idea to reinforce the penalties the company imposes for fall safety infractions as well as the hardships, penalties, injuries, or death has on families. This may help get them to comply.

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