ISO 14001 Certification Requirements for Construction Companies

ISO 14001 Certification Requirements for Construction Companies

The 14001 series environmental standards created by the International Organization (ISO) for Standardization are important requirements. They provide a systematic approach to handling environmental management issues for large and small companies alike and becoming ISO 1400 certified can benefit your construction outfit in numerous ways. For example, putting an ISO 14001-compliant Environmental Management System (EMS) in place can garner many of these results.

  • Reduction in environmental liability
  • Enjoy reduced insurance premiums by reducing environmental liability risk
  • Maintain regulatory compliance
  • Reap regulatory incentives
  • Reduce waste and pollution
  • Build presence as an environmentally conscious company
  • Raise profits as a recognized “green” company

The ISO 14001 guidelines create requirements for an EMS directed at enhancing strategic performance with regards to stringent and often changing regulations. You can take the opportunity to review related materials and watch informative YouTube videos that outline a variety of standards and select the tract that makes sense for your construction company.
After deciding on an appropriate standard, your company can begin meeting the specific state and federal regulatory requirements and make a commitment to ongoing improvement. It’s important to share your environmental policy with clients and other key stakeholders. Also, develop long-term objectives, bring in employees and even discuss your goals with subcontractors you work with on a regular basis.
Your team will need to undergo ISO 14001 training to meet their obligations and company goals. It’s important to recognize that key regulations and goals can vary widely depending on the type of construction you do and the environmental landscape. Jobs near oceans, waterways and wetlands trigger tremendous environmental regulations that you wouldn’t necessarily consider in an urban setting.
Once you’ve established your ISO 14001 EMS policy and implementation methods, a gap analysis should be performed that can identify and outline areas that don’t quite meet that standards for accreditation. The results of the analysis can be produced in the form of a report that you can share with stakeholders. This allows corrective measures to be adopted en route to full accreditation.
Once you’ve tightened the ship, you can move forward with a certification audit. In Stage One, an auditor will review the company’s policies, procedures and written guidelines. These must meet the minimum requirements. In Stage Two, the auditor will evaluate to what degree your system is effective at meeting the minimum standards. During this level of evaluation, an auditor may delve into best practices. You may need to revisit some policies and guidelines to ensure best practices are being met.
After your company is in full compliance, you’ll receive an ISO 14001 Certification that will be valid for three years. However, ongoing reviews will take place and the first generally occurs after six months and regular inspections will be scheduled with no longer than one year in between.
The ISO 14001 certification is an important step that can help elevate your company’s status in an industry too often faulted for causing environmental harm. Establishing this type of green commitment proves you are doing right by the environment and your company is likely to become more profitable because of it.

Software to meet ISO 14001 Requirements

Assignar is construction operation software that helps you automate most processes needed to be done to meet ISO 14001 Requirements. You can manage training, compliance alerts and with real time communication you are ensured to be more efficient on the jobsite.
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