Is ISO 50001 Right for Your Construction Company?

Is ISO 50001 Right for Your Construction Company?

Construction companies are often big users of electricity, gasoline, and other forms of energy. In June of 2011, the International Standards Organization released ISO 50001. This standard, suitable for companies of all types, sizes, and geographic locations gives the requirements or creating, keeping up, and improving an energy management system (EnMS). This is a standard for continued improvement about how a company uses energy. The desired outcome for those who are ISO 50001 certified is to decrease energy costs and improve energy efficiency, energy security, energy use, and energy consumption.


While this standard has no mandates (i.e. gasoline use to decrease by 10%) it allows for each company to establish energy use goals and procedures to meet the goals. The standard is data driven and Assignar helps provide construction companies using its SaaS system to identify and set goals for energy usage.

How Does a Construction Company Implement ISO 50001?

The following chart explains the four phases of implementing ISO 50001.

Image Credit: Wikipedia

What are the Advantages for a Construction Company Implementing ISO 50001?

When a construction company has acquired ISO 50001 certification you tell the world that you have:

  1. Implemented and maintain an EnMS.
  2. Committed to reducing energy use
  3. Reduce energy costs
  4. Lower Greenhouse Gas emissions (GHG)
  5. Become a good corporate citizen

These five accomplishments send an important message to potential, new, and existing clients that your construction company is committed to energy conservation. Not only will you cut your energy expenses, you will also gain admiration from those who know that your company is ISO 50001 certified.

What are The Disadvantages of ISO 50001 Certification?

ISO 50001 offers many positive results. But, as with most worthwhile things, there are disadvantages too. Following are some drawbacks to seeking ISO 50001 certification. They include:

  • Construction companies often have a tough time establishing energy costs.
  • Once, if costs are finally established, there are many times that a specific energy saving opportunity
  • Top management may refuse to approve high-cost savings opportunity if it has only a 50% or less accuracy associated with implementation.

Data collection

When a construction company is a user of Assignar Software as a Service, it can capture energy-related data in an organized manner to help with the implementation and upkeep of EnMS.

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