All Resources in Traffic

Case Study

Traffic Force Uses Assignar to Connect 3 Depots Across Western Australia

Traffic Force is a leading traffic management provider in Western Australia (WA) who experienced massive growth in just over a decade. With a total of 3 depots and a traffic management training business, Traffic Force sought a way to leave their server-based system behind for a digital solution that could communicate more efficiently with their traffic controllers.

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Workzone Traffic Control
Case Study

Workzone Traffic Control Saves 32 Hours Per Week

Workzone Traffic Control, a traffic management solutions company from South Austalia started out 20 years ago in a front yard with 4 vehicles. Today, the company manages 36 vehicles and over 100 workers. With their number of jobs increasing, the company needed an alternative to the Outlook calendar they had been depending on so they could solve their operational bottlenecks.

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