Force Civil Solutions controls compliance and manages project progress

Force Civil Solutions controls compliance and manages project progress

Force Civil Solutions is based out of Edmonton, Alberta. The company is one of the largest of its type in Alberta and offers excavation services along with the installation of utility lines, window wells and sidewalk brackets, backfill, dirt management, and grading. Force Civil Solutions works on projects in over 2,000 homes per year.

With a big team, a large fleet, and dozens of projects going on at a time, this business has many moving parts.

One of our biggest challenges was getting project pictures from the field and keeping them organized for retrieval.

Our guys work on 4 to 5 projects per day, which makes organizing field data more difficult. We really did not want to hire someone to tackle this job and we were looking for something that would require relatively minimal effort from our team. On top of that, our ideal solution would keep our servers from being inundated with data and bogging them down.

We looked at several different software solutions and decided to go with Assignar because it is easy to use and we automatically get unlimited storage for our business. We did a demo with the other platforms, but with Assignar, we got all this extra value: timesheets, equipment documents, forms and more.

We love that we have better insight into our operations. With Assignar, we can keep more control over our projects while keeping our internal servers nimble with secure, unlimited data storage.

While we had a clear mission when we found Assignar, we started to implement more features as time went on.

“Manpower qualification, suppliers, safety…  those modules are unreal!” — Scott Hayes, General Manager

Forms have been a game-changer for us

We have been floored by Assignar’s Forms, which allow us to standardize the information we collect from the field. With Forms, we can collect clear, precise information that is pertinent to the success of our fleet and our success on the job instantaneously. My mechanic always knows when machines need oil changes or other maintenance now.

We use this feature to replace some of our most-used forms, like equipment and pre-job forms. We can make sure everything is running as it should be at the start of every day from the office. An added benefit has been the reduction in paper waste!

We worry less all around

From an administrative standpoint, workforce management has made it so easy to automatically keep track of employees’ information, from their licenses to their insurance documentation and more. We know where each employee stands on a daily basis and this has pushed us past wasting time on and energy on these details. In the field, our guys are more productive, which empowers them to spend less time worrying about the paperwork and make health and safety their primary focus on job sites.

On a slightly different note, we have upped our job-costing. These issues were frequent in our business but with Assignar, we can control those factors from the top. Our field guys are no longer responsible for knowing the codes, and if there ever is an error, we can easily identify and fix it in a jiffy.

Rolling out Assignar

“At first, we felt overwhelmed by the process, but it was really streamlined and easy. It was excellent from the demo to going live with the software.”  — Scott Hayes, General Manager

In the beginning, the implementation process seemed daunting, but our Customer Success Manager really helped us to get off the ground. I worked closely with our crews to make sure we reduced any pushback. While we did have some team members struggle with their technological savvy in the beginning, all of that has been resolved. We are so excited that we made the switch because it has become easier to run our business and saved us at least $16,000 without considering our increased productivity.

We created a system of how we do our business over 10 years, we changed that within 60 days after implementing Assignar.

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Excavation , Heavy Civil , Utilities