How Technology Improves Efficiency And Safety On The Jobsite

How Technology Improves Efficiency And Safety On The Jobsite

Benefits of Cloud-Based Construction Solutions

In spite of a slow start, the construction industry has finally taken a bold leap into Cloud-based construction technology. And why not? Cloud technology enables rapid and accurate management of every project-related activity, including matters pertaining to safety on the jobsite. It’s digital-based construction solutions that promote simple, effective, and efficient workforce and asset allocation and planning.
According to recent studies released by Associated General Contractors of America (AGC), nearly 60% of modern construction contractors have grafted or plan to graft Cloud-based technology into their 2017 business plan (AGC, Industry Priorities Technology). Leveraging a construction-based technological solution helps companies:

  • Slash core capital expenditures
  • Maintain better overall data security
  • Lower the cost of daily operations
  • AND cut the administrative burden on bookkeeping, planning and other major organization functions.

Construction-Based Cloud Technology Resolves The Common Challenges of Contract Workforce Management

In the ever-changing environment of contract workforce management, applied technology resolves the daily challenges that hinder production efficiency, asset and worker management, and all matters pertaining to jobsite safety and safety audits and certifications. This means simplified management and scheduling in matters such as those pertaining to:

  • Temporary employees
  • Routine and specialized documentation and licensing
  • Mobile updates for management, subs and other team members
  • Maximizing special skill sets and equipment leasing
  • Organized quality control processes
  • AND Establishment and promotion of a custom safety vision for each jobsite project.

Construction-based technology solutions help companies reduce paperwork, downtime, and on-the-job accidents. It’s a digitized data collection machine that enables rapid information accumulation, analysis and projections. Other efficiency benefits include the following:
Improved Worker Management – Simplify the process of scheduling, dispatching and tracking your mobile workforce.
Improved Overall Worker Efficiency – It’s an instant response solution to better time management via Cloud-based mobile communications.
On-Demand Scale and Customize – Leverage the ability for rapid adjustment to project changes. Don’t let the workflow master the show, but rather master the workflow.
Advanced Options In Collaboration – Rapidly send, receive and organize drawings, invoices, timecards, safety reports and more.
Controlled Labor Costing – Digital-based timekeeping eliminates lost time cards, misapplied labor charges, over budgeting, and basic accounting errors.
Efficient Project Documentation – From simple purchasing data to detailed analysis and calculation for future project needs, your company needs rapid access to reliable project documentation.

Safety On The Jobsite

Safe work conditions are critical to employee morale. This is why our governmental bodies have established so many safety-related rules, regulations and guidelines. And they all serve a reasonable and valuable purpose. But keeping up with it all can be extremely confusing and time-consuming.
This is where construction-based technology excels as a backbone of efficient on-the-job safety management. Your company cannot afford to ignore the benefits. Click here to learn more about “How Construction Management Software Improves Job Site Safety.”

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