Navigating through COVID-19 with a paperless solution

Navigating through COVID-19 with a paperless solution

Safety continues to be the number one priority for sub and self-perform contractors during these unprecedented times. SafeWork Australia has created guidelines to support businesses to navigate through COVID-19. This comes new and complex challenges.
For example, everyday work on construction sites usually amounts to multiple pieces of paper needed to be signed. By the worker, the supervisor and the client. During this process, pens can be shared and exchanging this information forces more face to face interactions during a time where everyone should be adhering to physical distancing.

Read an article on SafeWork Australia’s guidelines here

SafeWork Australia’s guideline stresses the importance of physical distancing on the jobsite. As a consequence digital solutions are promoted as alternatives to face to face communication, jobsite paperwork and toolbox talks.
Furthermore, the Office of Industrial Relations (OIR) noted that crucial jobsite safety information as required by the Work Health and Safety Act does not need to be paper-based. Specifically,

  • Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS)
  • Pre-start checklists
  • Toolbox talks

The OIR are encouraging self and sub-perform contractors to utilise digital solutions to assist in managing the restrictions from COVID-19.

Take the health check. Benchmark your digital operations strategy against the competition

The paperless solution

Assignar is the operations platform built for sub and self-perform contractors. The mobile app enables contractors to abide by physical distancing rules, embrace an alternative method to face communication and remove paperwork from the jobsite.
Important safety documentation such as SWMS, JSAs, pre-start checklists can be done digitally via the mobile app. Forms are customisable to your business and can include digital signatures and photo capture. By digitising your safety documentation, workers do not need to hand in their paperwork to the depot or office. Safety forms can be submitted onsite and received in real-time by office staff.
Additionally, safety forms can be highlighted as compulsory and linked to a worker’s timesheets. This ensures that important forms such as a COVID-19 health check form are submitted. All safety forms and timesheets are logged with geolocation and date/time stamps.
With safety forms, timesheets and toolbox talks now digital, workers no longer need to share pens and docket books or be in close contact with their peers to submit jobsite documentation. As a cloud-based system, Assignar allows even your office staff to work remotely, whether that is in an isolated site shed or from home without compromising on business efficiency and productivity.

Learn how other sub and self-perform contractors are using Assignar to tackle COVID-19.


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