ISO 9001 Audit, 2 Weeks To Readiness – What Should You Do?

ISO 9001 Audit, 2 Weeks To Readiness – What Should You Do?

Given that ISO 9001 status directly affects the opportunity for direct bids with both general contractors and government agencies, a successful audit is essential to long-term company success. But success demands completion of four basic steps. You must:

  • Document Your Quality Management System – Clearly define on record the elements of your ISO 9001-based QMS
  • Adhere to Stated Documentation – In essence, do what you have declared
  • Record Activities – Document evidence of adherence
  • Constantly Improve the Process – Plan, follow through, check results, and then take the necessary action to ensure both compliance and corrections.

ISO 9001 Audit Success Opens Doors of Opportunity

It sounds, perhaps, rather simple. Create a documented plan, follow the steps, document your process, and then improve as necessary. Thus your company retains current clients while also reaping additional opportunity for new clients. Government resources declare that 99% of companies that implement successful ISO 9000 programs do so for the purpose of opening doors to new business opportunities (ISO Standards Requirement and Compliance for Small Business).

Assignar, automates the process of ISO 9001 standards.

ISO 9001 Audit – A Paperwork Nightmare

By operating under the false belief that ISO 9001 requires documentation of every solitary organizational process, many companies establish compliance overreach. This generates an ongoing QMS nightmare wherein many construction contractors fall short. The audit draws near but compliance remains distant.

Because of overwhelming paperwork, everyone delays completion. Thus two weeks before audit deadline, an unnecessary scramble consumes the company. The end result:

  • Unnecessary stress on management, workers and even subs
  • Failure to establish real and functional quality assurance
  • AND routine and random gaming of the system.

Simplify the QMS process. Eliminate excessive paperwork. Avoid the 2-weeks-to-audit panic. Computerize your construction QMS – take advantage of the integrated Assignar automated ISO 9001 processing features. Assignar:

  • Eliminates the yearend ISO 9001 audit panic
  • Removes the difficulty from the daily requirements for ISO 9001 standards documentation
  • Helps ensure daily compliance to your company’s high quality standards
  • Works year-round, not merely during the 2 weeks before the audit
  • AND provides a complete ISO 9001 QMS workforce and asset documentation management system.

Going Beyond ISO 9001 Compliance

A functional QMS provides effective methods for checking and recording quality processes. Furthermore, the system keeps track of recorded defects, ensures timely corrections, and helps prevent future occurrences of the same and similar issues. But company caught up in the panic of striving to meet a 2-week ISO 9001 audit deadline, often forget the core purpose of the QMS program. In the end, qualified personnel must ensure that work actually meets the QMS standards.

Assignar far exceeds the features of a basic construction ISO 9001 audit handling routine. In fact, Assignar ensures compliance by providing a comprehensive digital-based workforce and asset allocation and planning solution.

Stop wasting time. Stop the 2-week ISO 9001 audit panic. It’s time to invest in an application that automates the entire construction management and documentation process.


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