Improve Subcontractor Efficiency With Better Scheduling Tactics

Improve Subcontractor Efficiency With Better Scheduling Tactics

How Better Scheduling Improves Subcontractor Efficiency

When subcontractor efficiency fails to meet expectations, construction projects can quickly descend into a nightmare realm of errors, busted budgets and missed schedules. Yet such disruptions can be prevented… so long as your subcontractors understand the importance of planning with awareness of standard operating practices and jobsite scheduling processes.

Avoid unexpected delays. Minimize workflow disruptions. Make certain that your subs plan and execute with efficiency. Make certain that they understand the following standard work practices.

Standard Practices That Help Promote Subcontractor Efficiency

Effective work scheduling is as simple as defining activities through a filter of historical results, reliable logic and realistic durations. Best of all, compilation of these jobsite operational goals can be cored around a series of standard performance practices. Use of the following standardized operational tactics will help improve subcontractor efficiency:

  • Clearly define the Start/Finish for each project operation
  • Aside from project milestones, define activities within the range of predecessor/successor operations
  • Eliminate negative lags
  • Refuse to work via Open Ended activities
  • Quarantine every lag into a new activity clearly defined by a unique Start/Finish relationship
  • Schedule durations of work activities to fit within defined update cycles
  • Eliminate Suspension-of-Dates by making certain that additional work enters the flow as a defined additional activity 
  • Define intermediate milestones in a proper logical sequence and limited date range
  • Rather than changing baseline schedules, ensure that task updating correctly reflects any Out-of-Sequence activities.

For word definitions, review the concepts defined in an article by the Department of Transportation, The State of New Jersey, "Construction Scheduling Manual"

Subcontractor Efficiency Via Great Construction Operations Software

The clutter of pen-to-paper and spreadsheet-style data collection and data management once made the process of defining the principles of standardized operations and scheduling clumsy and difficult. But we now live in the age of cloud data storage, real-time mobile communications and great customized-construction operations software.

Isn’t it time to eliminate the paperwork so that your subs can actually focus on project production? Effective construction operations software simplifies the processes associated with:

  • Accounting, including bid management, billing and invoicing
  • Data collection, including processes associated with time keeping, equipment maintenance, compliance and more
  • Document management, including incident reports, quality management, safety issues and standardization
  • Workforce and asset allocation, planning and scheduling.

construction planning and scheduling software

Assignar is planning and scheduling software for subcontractors in construction, your tool to ensure superior productivity and subcontractor efficiency on the jobsite. We hope contractors make the most out of mobile apps, cloud storage and modern construction technology. Start your Assignar FREE trial today.


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