How Mobile Timesheets Improve Job Costing

How Mobile Timesheets Improve Job Costing

Although mobile timesheets enable rapid entry and recording of time worked and leave taken, this is but one small aspect of the time entry aspect of a full-featured Software as a Service (SaaS) construction-based solution. To craft a fully executable job costing system, time coding must charge time to the correct cost object based on current company payroll rules and policies. It must also enable reliable methods for measuring project progress via ensured cost reporting accuracy.

Mobile Timesheets More Than A Database of Time Entries

This means that your time entry system must provide:

  • Simplified time worked entry and adjustment
  • Automated error identification and correction
  • Ongoing data audits
  • Validated timesheet accuracy
  • Backup and document confirmation
  • Focused analytic tracking systems that help you improve job costing
  • AND so much more.

If you strive for this mastery using paper, pen and a customized Excel spreadsheet, hang it up. Even if you incorporate some measure of Internet-based time entry, the depth of functionality cannot effectively respond to the challenge for efficient digitized job costing.

Improved Job Costing At The Core Of A Mobile Workforce

In an industry dominated by hand-completed time cards and on-the-wall time clocks, a mobile workforce faces a unique challenge for real-time job costing and payroll processing. A phone-based dial-in system greatly lacks as a means to improve job-costing efforts. Likewise it is with on-the-wall hardware systems. Both record time, but offer no features for in-depth costing, reviews, and analysis.
But going deeper, even tablet and smartphone-based time entry and time management systems often fail to provide a complete and comprehensive job costing benefit. Unless the app inputs recorded data into a global relational database, it offers little more than a simplified process for recording time in, time out, and time missed.

Thus enters the mobile timesheet aspect of the cloud-based Assignar workforce and asset allocation and planning construction-based application set.

It starts with an app that can be configured for any computer, smartphone or tablet. It spans into a comprehensive system involving cloud storage, data organizational functionality, and full-featured software reliability. Employees download and install the app. Using photo verification, the system ensures accurate time keeping – thus reducing costly errors as well as the possibilities for purposeful manipulation of time records.
Best of all, the time management aspect of Assignar is fully integrated with a robust project management and job costing construction contractor solution. Increased accuracy helps improve billings, but integrated time management helps improve job costing.
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