How Fleet Management Software Helps Profitability

How Fleet Management Software Helps Profitability

Ask any fleet manager about the benefits of fleet management software and most will answer “I couldn’t do my job without it.” But why exactly does fleet management software mean so much, and does your construction company need a separate software program to achieve fleet management benefits?

What Are the Benefits of Fleet Management Software?

For most fleet managers, downtime is anathema and should be avoided. Preventative maintenance (PM) on vehicles ranging from a golf cart to a monstrous earth moving machine that can gouge deep holes into the earth results in less unexpected downtime than for equipment, not on a routine maintenance program. With fleet management software, reminders for maintenance are sent according to your benchmark such as:

  • Hours operated
  • Miles driven
  • Distance driven

Any reduction in fleet downtime is an increase in productivity. But there are other benefits that accrue to construction companies that properly maintain its fleet.

Better Durability

Vehicles from a small pickup to a large earth moving machine benefit from preventative maintenance. Rather than unexpected downtime from a worn-out belt on a pickup to an ailing thermostat on a large piece of earthmoving equipment, preventative maintenance catches these incidents during PM leaving chance behind and equipment in service when it is needed. It keeps every vehicle in your fleet in top shape.

Better Fleet Efficiency

Keeping your fleet on a PM program helps you to operate trucks, go-carts and heavy moveable equipment on an efficient basis. While fuel cost fluctuations may play havoc on a family’s budget, imagine what an increase in gasoline does when there are scores of vehicles needing fuel. Properly maintained equipment simply fails less frequently than unmaintained vehicles do.

Lower Staffing Costs

Fleet owners such as your construction company often have their own fleet maintenance and repair crews. When a piece of equipment of a fleet truck breaks down, it is not unusual to have it repaired as soon as possible – often having to use overtime.

Managing Fleet Drivers with Fleet Management Software

Another aspect of fleet management is efficiently and effectively scheduling operators. Part of fleet management software is the ability to maintain all driver documents and fleet documentation for insurance, safety training, hours driven and more. A good starting point to manage your assets would be to implement ISO 55001.
So, it isn’t difficult to understand that fleet management software is a benefit to fleet owners. The second part of the initial question was – Do you need separate software? If you are using Assignar construction management software you already have fleet management capability available. Assignar is software designed to get equipment, material, and manpower where it is needed when it is needed. It is highly flexible and includes scheduling fleet equipment for PM as well as keep each vehicle’s paperwork readily available. It also helps keep personnel records, including DoT required documents for drivers easily accessible.
Assignar is construction software built for highly regulated industries. It gets the right workers paired up with the right equipment to get projects completed as scheduled. It also keeps track of hours worked, equipment maintenance, and much more. All the data needed to determine workforce productivity and project profit and loss are easily retrievable using Assignar.

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