Software Maximizes Construction Equipment Fleet ROI

Software Maximizes Construction Equipment Fleet ROI

Imagine an employee is driving down the road and gets pulled over because of an expired inspection sticker on a work truck. Embarrassing? Yes. Avoidable? Also, yes. Managing a construction company’s fleet of vehicles and equipment can become a secondary task and sometimes things fall through the cracks. Some days, there just isn’t enough time to track each machine’s location, schedule service and safety certifications. When juggling multiple projects, something has to give. The solution may be to streamline the information about machinery into a single system.

Pre-Start Forms

Operations software gives organizations the ability to distribute phone apps to workers. Before checking out a vehicle or piece of equipment, they punch in information about its status. You’ll get that feedback in real time. That accomplishes several things for busy contractors. You’ll be able to keep tabs on your assets and know that only certified workers are handling specific equipment.

One of the important things that this software does is that it also maintains and synchs personnel records. That can prevent uncertified people from creating a safety risk or causing an accident. It’s not unusual for some employees to try and wing it to save time.

Fleet Efficiency

Mechanical breakdowns can be tremendously costly. Having key pieces of equipment in the repair shop puts jobs behind schedule and has skilled workers doing less technical things than their pay scale warrants. That means you’re losing money. But when machinery doesn’t enjoy properly scheduled maintenance, it happens.

Many contractors end up spending time rifling through paperwork or spreadsheets to figure out when equipment needs servicing. Those methods are slow and tedious.

Given the fact that everything from Facebook to your cell phone company sends alerts and notifications, shouldn’t your operation be just as innovative?

By putting information about your assets into the Assignar maintenance form, you’ll be notified ahead of time and be able to schedule unused equipment for service and recertification. Updating the system will ensure assets are in good working order at all times. And if human oversight happens, a quick electronic request to update equipment logs can resolve the information gap. This software will also help you to schedule equipment operators accordingly and get good bang for your workforce buck.

Assignar software has been strategically designed to help construction companies maximize assets usage. If you are interested in learning more, feel free to request a demo from the Assignar website.

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