Digitizing Workflows for Safety on jobsite

Digitizing Workflows for Safety on jobsite

Operations Workflow Management, The Good Old Days

In the golden age of digitized workflows, construction Supervisors struggled to make do with spreadsheet databases and hand written paper reports. It was an age not so long ago and sometimes still invasive today wherein work crews, office staff and management all functioned via individualized methods of record keeping. And due to this lack of coordinated workflow management, contractors paid and yet do pay a high price as revealed by less efficient operations management, lower jobsite productivity and ineffective on-the-job accident control.

For contractor Safety Professionals burdened to hand write the particulars of safety meetings, safety incident forms and safety inspection results, keeping up often forced and yet forces sporadic compliance and short-changing in documentation. In fact, the “good old days” of construction workflow and safety management encompassed long hours on documentation that often failed to have any measurable impact on the number of accumulated jobsite accidents. But that was the “good old days,” a time when accidents could have been prevented…

– if only the workers had received safety notices in a timely manner.

Importance of Proper and Accurate Construction Safety Records

Failed compliance with certain ISO or OSHA requirements can result in costly fines, delayed project completion and a lousy company reputation. Moreover, and most important of all, failed compliance can result in serious worker injuries even to the level of death.

Yet compliance is not merely about documenting certain events. Rather it must also include the ability to recover, share and update said data as necessary. Lost or missing safety records serve no better use than incomplete or never created safety records.

Simplicity Via Digitizing Jobsite Workflow for Jobsite Safety

Perhaps your construction firm still enjoys the benefits tied to the golden age of hand written reports, the spreadsheet order of digitized workflows, and the scramble to locate missing but critical safety data. But it need not be that way. Rather than laboring extra hours to complete your report of an hour-long project walkthrough, consider the benefits of modern day construction-based digital technology.

Assignar operations software for construction contractors improves jobsite safety via the automated digitizing of workflow documentation. This cloud-based real-time workforce and asset allocation and planning tool includes a host of customizable components purposefully geared toward construction safety compliance. Modern contractors use Assignar to:

  • Simply workflow scheduling, tracking and auditing
  • Eliminate loss safety documentation
  • Do away with delays in information delivery
  • Ensure proper management of an accident, hazard or potential claim
  • AND so much more.

If your construction firm seeks to be free of the “good old days,” consider taking a Free test run in the automated world of Assignar digitized workflows management.


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