Construction Software – Take Control of Your Vendors and Subcontractors

Construction Software – Take Control of Your Vendors and Subcontractors

Working With Vendors and Subcontractors – Weeding Out Poor Performers

Vendors and subcontractors: Can’t live with them; can’t live without them. Even small projects tend to involve a host of subcontractors and a host of vendors. Some are great producers, providers and team players. Others are not. Weeding out poor performers is not always easy.

Checking in with individual project managers delivers a measure of opinions about certain vendors and subs. Yet personality conflicts sometimes trigger erroneous concepts on individuals as well as their respective performance value. Furthermore, some individual project managers tend to play cards very close to their breast. This may cause them to withhold certain thoughts and viewpoints from upper management and/or the leadership that holds charge over the selection of available vendors and subcontractors.

Applying the right components of quality construction contractor management software can remedy any shortage of reliable feedback and data collection on both suppliers and subs.

It’s about using reliable cloud-based mobile construction operations software to establish a competent and effective real time connection with your subcontractor and vendor supply chain. To effectively weed out poor performers, you need a tool that automates the:

  • Updating and tracking of supplier compliance to task-specific goals
  • Process of collecting data from subcontractors in all areas of activities and performance
  • Reliability of a visibility factor over any vendor of subcontractor induced bottlenecks
  • Tracking and updating of vendor liens and pre-qualification requirements
  • Comparison of records concerning all contractor and client communications
  • Accurate management of supplier and sub payment processes
  • Real-time collection of live field data
  • AND accurate comparisons of actual output and expenses versus budgeted output and expenses.

Rate, Identify and Eliminate Poorly Performing Vendors and Subcontractors

Taking control of your vendors and subcontractors requires access to construction management tools specifically designed to simplify job costing, cost tracking, and performance and delivery compliance. It requires construction-focused software that promotes rapid and reliable reporting on previous jobs worked on for you by each supplier and each subcontractor. It also requires construction operations management software that offers rapid mobile-access to real-time equipment and machinery availability on a per-vendor and per-supplier data line. And it requires software that specifically promotes vendor and subcontractor performance evaluation returns.

  • Store performance records
  • Compare vendor-to-vendor, supplier-to-supplier, and sub-to-sub
  • Identify poor performance
  • AND if necessary, eliminate the problem children.

Assignar Construction Operations Software – A Complete Solution In Supply-Chain Management

It’s clean, efficient and effective. It’s reliable real time connection with your vendors and subcontractors. It’s the Assignar Construction Operations Management solution. Contractors use Assignar to:

  • Schedule and allocate subcontractors
  • Collect timesheets
  • Manage the associated documentation
  • Craft custom digital management forms that enable real-time data collection and reporting
  • Enhance workplace communication
  • Assure quality and safety compliance
  • AND much, much more.

Check it out. Assignar is a cloud based construction management solution that includes a complete and effective solution for subcontractor management.



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