Do Construction Apps Promote Better Worker PPE Compliance?

Do Construction Apps Promote Better Worker PPE Compliance?

Better Worker Accountability Via PPE Modules in Construction Operations Software

On-site access to effective Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for construction workers provides no guarantee of worker PPE compliance. This is the difference between:

  • Theory and practice
  • Education and application
  • Habit and tendency
  • Accountability and expediency.

Making equipment readily available only fulfills one aspect of a very complex construction safety issue. Getting workers to actually and correctly use personal protective gear is a whole second branch of the problem. Somehow, the global construction industry must establish a cohesive solution to both aspects of the problem.

Small Changes Can Promote Effective Long-Term Worker PPE Compliance

General information of OSHA PPE standards, register notices, directives and letters of interpretation can be viewed on the OSHA Personal Protective Equipment health and safety standards page. In addition to this, we address a few options for the establishment of reliable worker accountability and compliance.
Success in long-term worker compliance begins with four basic processes:
1) Enforced PPE Training
This is not merely about an established an effective training program. Rather it also includes a focus on helping workers understand the purpose and value of applied PPE training and compliance.
2) PPE Value-Added Reinforcement
Training is good, but only if that training leads to a positive and daily attitude of practiced safety. Value-added reinforcement leads to habitual attention to matters of jobsite safety.
3) PPE Intervention
Some folks are just plain hardheaded. The company provides proper and routine training. They engage in required toolbox talks on personal protection equipment. But sometimes all the group talks just fail to break ground. Thus comes a need for one-on-one conversation and intervention. Do it gently but be frank. Communicate that continued noncompliance is not and will not be accepted.
4) Form Habits Via Controlled PPE Compliance
Bad habits come easy but good habits develop slowly. Improvement takes time, and the more often people are permitted to ignore PPE requirements, the longer is the training period.
This is where and how contractors can reap the greatest benefits of applied PPE management components of construction software. Where talking fails, tracking conformance succeeds.

Construction Apps Do Promote Better Worker PPE Compliance

What if contractors had daily and hourly access to a tool that could actually help management confirm greater worker accountability and PPE compliance? It could be a series of processes rolled into a monitored worker’s register and confirm system. It would use real-time access to pre-start forms and precision checklists. Project managers would have instant access to the workforce schedule and to individual worker compliance. With use of the right construction apps, managers can know for certain that workers are wearing the proper PPE for the task and the site.
Routine compliance generates habit and habit promotes better worker PPE compliance.
Learn how Assignar software can help you improve your entire operations from the office to the field in real-time and track worker compliance.
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