ISO 45001 Replaces AS NZS 4801 – Effects Of ISO 45001 Changes

ISO 45001 Replaces AS NZS 4801 – Effects Of ISO 45001 Changes

Effects of ISO 45001 Changes For Australian & New Zealand Construction Companies

AS / NZS 4801 has been replaced with ISO 45001. Simplifying daily Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) processes bears many rewards in employee health as well as offering various cost-effective side benefits. But fostering better daily workplace-related health and safety practices marks only the immediate benefits of the change. Perhaps as a bigger question, Australian and New Zealand construction companies should ask how and why a change in OHS standards affects future opportunities in a global construction environment.

In this text, the Assignar workforce and asset allocation and planning safety-analytics team offers low-level insight, suggestions, and reasoning for it all.

ISO 45001 – Embracing A New Global Occupational Standard For International Health and Safety

Even as new technology in construction and transportation resources eliminate the geographical barriers that once hindered flexible business processes and opportunities, globally significant construction companies must strive for ever-better understanding of supplier and buyer OHS practices and requirements. It’s about efficient and effective occupational health and safety management, about taking OHS seriously, and about embracing a globally harmonized international OHS benchmark that helps you:

  • Eliminate conditions that can be detrimental to the success of a construction company’s bottom line.
  • Avoid higher insurance premiums
  • Sustain effective long-term employee wellness
  • Reduce unnecessary and unproductive payouts in worker benefits
  • Cancel the negative impact of failure to adjust to modern OHS expectations and requirements
  • AND Improve your chances for earning a place among the most lucrative government contracts.

What To Expect As ISO 45001 Replaces AS NZS 4801

According to SGS, the global benchmark for quality integrity, the principles, standards and practices integrated into ISO 45001 effectively reduce the potential risks of employee loss, employee claims, and regulatory action. Furthermore, this standard was developed to align with other popular ISO systems, including AS/NZS 4801. New Zealand construction companies as well as Australian construction companies can easily and effectively adapt to a multitude of standards as necessary to comply with specific client requirements.

The technology behind ISO 45001 enables new and better methodology for:

  • Increased involvement by workers as well as leadership
  • Better control of all associated employee/employer risk factors
  • Improved processes for identifying operational hazards and risks
  • Better methods for control, minimization and/or elimination of operational risk factors
  • Advanced pathways for managing legal documentation and expectations
  • Successful monitoring and measurement of on-site and off-site processes
  • Improved methods for ensuring worker involvement in OHS implementation and compliance
  • AND Much, much more.

Here is how New Zealand and Australian construction company leadership can reap the benefits of this new global ISO solution:

  • Incorporate applied OHS performance into the strategic planning process
  • Develop a pro-active OHS management system
  • Establish an organizational respect toward matters pertaining to ISO
  • Support employee contributions toward all functions of OHS
  • Communicate the importance of efficient OHS management and compliance
  • Designate members of top management as the face accountable for ISO 45001 compliance, policies, and practices.

Why and what does that mean for Australian and New Zealand construction companies? Take a tour of the Assignar is workforce and asset allocation and planning management app. Our integrated ISO 45001 occupational health and safety compliance component helps your organization simply and manage the OHS components most important toward:

  • Ensured OHS readiness
  • Confirmed team confidence
  • Esteem shareholder assurance
  • AND reliable functional cost reduction.

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