Certification Tracking for Employees in the Construction Industry

Certification Tracking for Employees in the Construction Industry

Certification Tracking of Construction Employees As An In-House Operation

Although OSHA sets standards for safety and certification training, it does not approve, certify or endorse any specific trainers, programs or certification tracking programs. Thus the certification tracking for employees in the construction industry can be based on on-line learning, farm-out programs or in-house management processes. But in review of these various methods of training and certification tracking, a simple question rises to mind:

Can the various methods for certification training and tracking be crafted into a single functional component?

Current construction certification programs lean toward on-line learning. It’s flexible, self-driven and readily expandable. Larger construction organizations even bring in professional experts to oversee the online health and safety learning and certification programs. Face it: In order to effectively carry training and certification tracking for employees in the construction industry, you need qualified leadership and trainers.

Three Primary Qualifications For Certification Training and Tracking

According to the United States Department of Labor documentation, "Training Frequently Asked Questions," a certification trainer is someone who meets three primary qualifications (United States Depart of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, "Training Frequently Asked Questions."):

  • The trainer must be able to demonstrate proficiency and understanding of the material that is to be transmitted to trainees
  • The trainer must have credentials or comparable experience that ensures proficiency in training adults
  • The trainer must pursue ongoing updates in the knowledge and skills necessary for effective functionality in the designated certification process.

To be more precise: Qualified construction employee certification trainers must successfully complete an instructional train-the-trainer compliance program, or he or she must have reliable academic credentials accompanied by instructional experience as necessary to teach within the given certification program.

Certification Training for Employees in the Construction Industry

  • OSHA certification policy defines computer-based certification training in and off itself as insufficient to satisfy the purpose of training requirements
  • Hands-on trainee experience and exercises are deemed critical to the training process
  • To ensure that trainees with questions have direct access to qualified trainers, OSHA also requires that trainees have an open line to real-time and personal Q&A.

Certification Tracking for Employees in the Construction Industry

Without proper data-management tools, certification tracking can be difficult if not impossible. Safety certification for each and every company employee must be reliably confirmable. Whether working with an outside training firm or performing in-house training and certification, construction contractors need effective software for certification tracking, reporting and renewing as necessary.

Thus enters a major component of the Assignar workforce and asset allocation and planning software. This digital construction tool offers real-time cloud-based access to relevant documents, including automated reminders when a document, license or certificate expires.

  • Scan the data using a personal identification codes
  • Create tickets as needed
  • Track dates, training and safety certificates
  • Manage re-certifications and receive digital notification with ample time for renewal or certification updates

Increase Company profits. Avoid fines. Schedule workforce and assets effectively and efficiently. Keep vital data on-line all the time. Certification tracking for your construction employees is too important to manage by yesterday’s spreadsheet technology.


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