5 Ways To Implement Jobsite Policies And Procedures

5 Ways To Implement Jobsite Policies And Procedures

Whether you have a team of 20 or 2,000, it’s imperative to have pertinent policies and operational procedures in place that reinforce a safe, secure workplace. But those important safety guidelines can’t just exist in a vacuum. When they’re just pieces of paper or electronic files that aren’t adhered to, then the entire process of creating a safety management system was a waste of time.

All too often companies create well thought out guidance aimed at fulfilling regulatory mandates and earning safety certification to lower insurance and garner additional business. But a failure to implement those procedures won’t improve the actual safety conditions for your construction crew. And when an accident does occur, the bottom may fall out in terms of compliance and standing. All the time, money and effort that went into detailed reporting, analysis and crafting the document will go down the drain.

If you’re going to go through all the trouble of building a safety management system with worker guidance, it’s important to make sure it’s being followed.

5 methods that encourage team members to comply with your safety strategy.

  1. Design a set of policies and best practices specific to your work environment. It’s important to create guidelines that are viewed as concrete in nature. Abstract policies tend to be misunderstood, misinterpreted and finally ignored. Crews are more likely to comply with clear concise, hands-on policies.
  2. Close the gap between theoretical and practical policies and procedures. A construction company has a diverse workforce and you’ll need to make a connection between real-life tasks and best practices. Explain why the guidelines are important and demonstrate how they work. You want team members to buy-in to the program.
  3. Have your policies and procedures available to all crew members for ongoing reference. Utilizing the Assignar Worker app, for example, can allow employees and other stakeholders to access the document from their phones and communicate directly with supervisors for clarifications.
  4. Supervision and monitoring are key aspects of a fully-implemented company policy. Best practices should include an expectation that foreman and other supervisors provide a teaching role for new employees. Indoctrinating new workers into the program builds continuity and longevity.
  5. Schedule and conduct reviews of these best practices. It may be beneficial to hold a monthly review with management staff to get feedback. A quarterly review that brings together the full staff or specialized teams to gain input can prove fruitful. Such gatherings build team spirit and give individuals a sense of ownership because they feel valued and respected.

Sound safety management policies and procedures

Having sound safety management policies and procedures in place reduces the risk of workplace accidents, injuries and setbacks. Safety is always job one, especially in the hazardous construction industry. In the event of an unfortunate workplace incident, being able to demonstrate that your company made a tangible commitment to worker safety and regulatory compliance will help keep your reputation stay intact and maintain industry confidence in the outfit. The Assignar Worker app can help get everyone on the same page.

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Document management , Jobsite Collaboration , Workforce Management