Retro Traffic improves communication between the field and the office

Retro Traffic improves communication between the field and the office

Retro Traffic is an established Traffic Management Company based in Sydney. Retro Traffic has provided its clients with a superior level of service over the last 25yrs. Retro Traffic continues to work with some of the largest and most reputable companies within the utilities and infrastructure sectors. Focussing on Safety and Quality they have grown to be one of the main players in Traffic Management in Sydney.

How are you using Assignar? What features?

“Assignar has improved the communication between our office and field. We use their 2-way bulk SMS feature. Before, communication lines weren’t visible to everyone in the office, we had to forward a lot of emails. Now, everything is in the cloud which allows us to collaborate with multiple people. There is more visibility on what is coming in and out. Moreover, everything is archived, we can exactly see which worker has been allocated to which project.”

“Also, allocating has become much easier. Our team is able to work together and distribute the workload. Without Assignar we’d probably need double the number of people in this department’

What about your ISO certifications?

“Yes Assignar helps us a lot, all our documents are in one place. Registration documents, servicing logs and certifications are easily accessible. The competency matrix is easy to download and always up to date, everyone has access to it.

How are your workers using Assignar?

“It’s much easier for them. Workers submit forms and timesheets from the mobile app. We now get a lot more information from the field (in real time). Also, the information is more accurate and automatically stored.

With the timesheet, feature workers don’t have to email or fax their timesheets anymore. Timesheets are submitted on a daily basis. Instead of on a weekly basis, which we did before. Everything is automatically imported into our payroll system. We don’t have to chase paper timesheets anymore, everything is securely stored in Assignar.”

How did you get your workers to use it?

“Before employees attend our company induction, we send them instructions on how to download the app. Once the app is downloaded they are able to enter all their profile details and upload their tickets to the app. Now, 90% of “the paperwork” is completed before employees attend our induction!

The app is very easy to use, and now all our workers love it. All site-specific documents are accessible from the app, so they don’t have to carry paperwork around anymore.”

Is there anything else you like about Assignar?

“We like the idea portal, we’ve put several ideas in there, and they get actioned on fairly quick. Many platforms we looked at before are focusing on multiple industries. While we only care about our industry.

Because Assignar is focused on the construction industry, they implement new features that make sense for our business, and make our workflow easier.”

“With the reporting feature, we’ve been able to estimate our project costs more accurately. We simply pull up a timesheet, and a plant usage report to know how many hours we spent on certain projects. By having that historic data easily accessible and being able to show our compliance we’ve certainly landed more projects!”

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