Tasmanian Government announces $3.1 billion construction blitz

Tasmanian Government announces  $3.1 billion construction blitz

Tasmania will be launching a $3.1 billion construction blitz in line with fast-tracked projects across the nation. The investment is in addition to the State Government’s existing $1.8 billion infrastructure package. The construction blitz will include 2,300 new dwellings built, community infrastructure, roads, irrigation and essential infrastructure – creating 15,000 jobs.

Upcoming projects

  • $40 million for state road safety upgrades in 2020-21 and 2021-22 and the bringing forward of $40 million through an accelerated procurement tender process. The first projects under this package are now out to market, including safety upgrades on Highland Lakes Road at the ‘Pub with No Beer’ corner, improved turning facilities on the Bass Highway at Boat Harbour, and road widening and improved turning facilities on the Arthur Highway at Eaglehawk Neck.
  • Bridge strengthening works, the upgrade of Binalong Bay Road, the Bruny Island landside infrastructure, and road widening work on Midland Highway between Powranna and Tunbridge.
  • $378 million roads budget with Hobart Airport interchange, park and ride facilities in Kingborough, the West Tamar Highway upgrades and the start of the $100 million Bass Highway upgrades with the Boat Harbour turnoff.
  • $15 million to prioritise the $28.51 million Don Irrigation scheme and to meet the increased demand for Tasmania’s next five irrigation schemes. Construction will comment in early 2021 and deliver 130 jobs.


Find the full list of projects here

Tasmanian Premier Peter Gutwein stated that “now, we face the second and arguably tougher phase of this fight – to reboot our economy while avoiding a deadly second wave of the virus...This will not be easy. Measures to manage the virus will mean business will need to find new ways to do old things, to stay profitable and employ their fellow Tasmanians in a COVID-Safe environment, and we will work closely with them to achieve that.”

The Digital Solution

Assignar is the cloud-based operations platform for sub and self-perform contractors. The mobile app enables contractors to abide by physical distancing rules, embrace an alternative method to face communication and remove paperwork from the jobsite.
Timesheets, forms and safety documentation are digitally submitted via the mobile app. Enabling crucial jobsite paperwork to be received in real-time by office staff. All submissions can include e-signatures and photos with timestamps and geo-locations logged.
From a scheduling perspective, allocators are no longer glued to the whiteboard as the source of truth or bound to the office to do their jobs. With Assignar, your allocations calendar is digital and can auto-populate compliant workers with available assets to help you maximise your resources.

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