Safety Compliance Checklist For The Jobsite

Safety Compliance Checklist For The Jobsite

Jobsite Safety Compliance – Leading into 2018 With ISO and OSHA Compliant Confidence

Confidence in your jobsite 2018 safety compliance programs need not wait until April. That does not mean that you will want to miss Safety Summit, the leading annual 2018 US Safety Summit taking place this year in April in Orlando, Florida. It is, after all, an opportunity for team players in your construction company to gain greater insight into the latest risk management / OSHA compliance developments. Safety summits help contractors and others stay up-to-date on:

  • OSHA enforcement initiatives
  • Legal concerns related to alcohol and drug testing compliance
  • Alternative options for use in measuring effective lockout and tagout processes
  • Policies pertaining to prevention of workplace violence
  • Cost saving steps in incident investigation and prevention
  • Effective changes in leadership strategies and overall safety engagement
  • Insights that lead toward better communication and connection with the workforce
  • The latest advancements in safety tools and technologies

However, the year began on January 1. Leading into 2018 with ISO and OSHA compliant confidence is already a work in process.

Real-Time 2018 Jobsite Safety Compliance In The Here And Now

By establishing a new standard in construction operations management, Assignar operations software can help you manage ISO and OSHA compliance with confidence and assurance. Our jobsite safety compliance tools help you:

  • Accurately monitor, track and report safety incidents
  • Automate documentation and version control
  • Ensure workforce awareness of incidents, corrections and updated safety procedures
  • Establish real-time communications with workers, subs and vendors
  • Eliminate last-minute audit countdowns
  • Pass ISO audits as a formality
  • Achieve active year-round ISO and OSHA compliant success
  • AND much more.

Simplified But Effective Safety Checklist For The Jobsite

With Assignar, risk and safety management for construction contractors is about simplifying the compliance process. With Assignar safety compliance is crafted around a structural process focused on audit, check, inspect, comply and track. This article has not the space to list every component in a through jobsite inspection checklist. However, we can share a list of primary categories included in a standard field services jobsite inspection checklist:

  • General details
  • Personal protective equipment
  • Housekeeping
  • Fire protection
  • Material handling
  • Material storage
  • Tools
  • Welding and cutting
  • Electrical
  • Ladders
  • Scaffolds and manlifts
  • Handrails
  • Hole covers
  • Excavation and trenching
  • Employee communications.

Breakdowns within the categories deal with specific safety requirements, personnel and tool readiness, performance tracking and compliance assurance. Custom creation of safety document and management lists is among the many great components available within the Assignar construction operations management software. However, you can download a multitude of Assignar construction health and safety forms and PDF templates here. Available templates include:

  • Basic site induction checklist
  • Workplace inspection checklist
  • Signage audit tool
  • Contractor and visitor attendance log
  • Hazard report form
  • Training attendance Log.


For further research, read the Assignar "ISO 9001 Audit. 2 Weeks To Readiness."


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