OSHA Interpretation For Construction Contractors

OSHA Interpretation For Construction Contractors

Four Major Categories of OSHA Interpretation

OSHA standards for safety fall into four primary categories with each grouping based according to specific types of work. Divisions of employment fall into the following components of the CFR:

  1. Agriculture (Part 1928)
  2. Construction (Part 1926)
  3. General industry (Part 1910)
  4. AND Maritime (Parts 1915, 1917 and 1918).

Furthermore, the general industry standards of the OSH Act’s general-duty clause evokes enhanced employer-to-employee relationships in requiring that every employee must be provided a workplace that remains free from recognized hazards. However, whenever class-specific standards and general standards clash, class-specific standards gain the higher authority. The following content addresses OSHA interpretation for construction contractors.

Notable Points of Crossover Between General Industry Standards and Construction-Specific Standards

In this limited content article, we lack space for a full discussion on the following list of standards. Therefore, we list the concept and then include for you a direct link to the associated OSHA resource page.

OSHA Interpretation – Construction Fall Protection

OSHA Interpretation – Confined Space

OSHA Interpretation – Stairways and Ladders

OSHA Interpretation – Fire Extinguishers

OSHA Interpretation – Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

OSHA Interpretation – Accident-Prevention Signs and Tags

OSHA Interpretation – Illumination

OSHA Interpretation – Eye Washes

Controlling The Complexities of OSHA Interpretation For Construction Contractors

OSHA rules and regulations can get very complex. The cut between a general industry standard and those things specific to the construction industry can get your firm into trouble that no one wants.

First of all, errors in safety mean that someone can get hurt. But there is also a possibility that you can be cited under a general industry standard even while holding firm to known construction-specific standards. Best way to avoid such complications:

  • Invest in construction operations software that is well suited for managing OSHA compliance
  • Visit the OSHA website and download into your new software the current OSHA standards for your industry as well as for general standards
  • Learn and operate in accordance with both standards
  • Determine the best way to apply either standard to your specific applications, industry and projects
  • When in doubt, contact your local OSHA consultation office
  • Activate and engage the benefits of the Assignar Compliance Management routines.

Think about the depths of this issue. Even with all the updates in studies, additional regulations and safety improvements within the industry, construction operations remain among the most hazardous to any workforce. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2016 alone, 5,190 construction workers were killed in on-the-job related accidents, injuries or illnesses.

Such overwhelming details leave no room for haphazard management of your workplace safety monitoring, management and reporting. Compliance is critical to the health of your workforce and your company.  Assignar can help you automate the process. Not that automation removes the demand for personal oversight, but rather that Assignar offers a process of compliance alerts and reminders designed to help construction contractors navigate the complexities of OSHA interpretation for construction contractors.

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