New Zealand Construction Labour Shortage, A Major Government Concern

New Zealand Construction Labour Shortage, A Major Government Concern

New Zealand Government Moves To Control Widespread Shortage In The Construction Labour Force

In a nation with a population of 4.7 million residents, the reality of a construction labour shortage hits home hard. Development is on the increase. Construction demand is high. Yet, New Zealand contractors face one of the most difficult problems of all: An inability to meet the current workforce demands, for skilled construction workers.
Solutions to such situations can be evasive. When the demand for workers exceeds the capacity of the population, contractors have little hope of relieving the problem on their own. They can offer better benefits, job-security and even higher wages, but when the local population cannot satisfy the local employment openings, typical requiting programs cannot resolve the problem. Reaching beyond the local labour-base is one way to satisfy the New Zealand demand for new homes, offices and infrastructure. However, recruitment from overseas and other external labour resources for skilled workers can be costly, slow and difficult. In the mean time, homes, transport links and other measures of infrastructure continue to fall further and further behind. The current New Zealand shortage of skilled construction workers blocks the path toward rapid growth and progress.

Enter New Zealand Government Resources

Resolving such widespread shortage in New Zealand’s construction labour force requires intervention by the New Zealand government.

The New Zealand government estimates 30,000+ construction workers are needed to fill the gap in the labour force.

To resolve this issue, the New Zealand government plans to open the pathway toward easier recruitment from the overseas construction labour-base. The goal: Make the hiring of plumbers, electricians, builders, engineers and electricians an out-of-country experience.

KiwiBuild Skills Shortage List As A Solution To the New Zealand Construction Labour Shortage

Current proposed changes in the regulations involved in overseas hiring revolve around the KiwiBuild Skills Shortage List, a program designed to help local construction firms make a quicker go of overseas labour recruitment. It’s about streamlining the hiring process while also establishing guidelines that will help prevent construction firms from exploiting migrant workers.

Get Ready For The New Zealand Construction KiwiBuild Skills Shortages Program

Assignar designs construction-specific operations management software. Our tools are dedicated to the entire range of construction operations management, including real-time components designed to provide your firm with in-depth control of your construction workforce allocation and resources. Do not let the changes in the New Zealand construction labour shortage hinder your growth. Solve the problem with Assignar, all the right construction management tools at your fingertips.
Start your free trial today and get your construction project sorted out!

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