How Mobile Apps Improve Productivity In Construction

How Mobile Apps Improve Productivity In Construction

Construction Productivity – Cost of Antiquated Operations Management

In an industrial season that is clearly driven by massive advancements in mobile technology and customized mobile apps, failure to adapt seems counterproductive. Yet the construction industry continues to resist the benefits of switching to digitized operational management and communications.

Improving productivity in construction requires timely adjustment to identified failures. However, when projects pass through an antiquated pen-to-paper or spreadsheet-based workforce and asset allocation process, the need for change is often concealed in the details. Change is necessary, but no one takes note of the associated low return on productivity.

The problem is repetitive. There is no profit in letting benefits linked to simple-to-integrate operational changes lie dead in the field. Perhaps the repetition is due to productivity waste that goes year after year without even being noticed. Or maybe the problems are observed but not in a manner that promotes an active response. So much of the loss productivity in construction ties directly into a lack of real-time communication, data collection and analytical reporting.

Time after time, critical details on project updates and changes fail to reach field workers, operators and lead personnel. Paper-based communications almost always result in unnecessary document-related lag time. More often than not, management of quality control and details for jobsite safety compliance arrive in the field only after the physical aspects of jobsite productivity are already completed.

Time keeping ends up as time consumption. Routine documentation gets dropped, misplaced and sometimes not even completed. The cost shows up in invoice and payroll processing, accuracy in bidding and even in fines associated with missing compliance documentation and processing.

Construction Productivity – Benefits of Switching To Mobile Apps

This pattern wherein jobsite problems reoccur over and over again can be corrected. Just as modern mobile-app digital technology promotes more efficient productivity in other mainstream industries, so too can the process help general contractors and subcontractors reap the same benefits and returns.

Adopting the workplace benefits of mobile app technology can help your company eliminate the failures linked to manual data collection, collaboration and processing. Furthermore, mobile-based operations software for construction contractors can help your team overcome the basic losses associated with lag-time communications. Mobile construction apps promote:

  • Greater jobsite efficiency
  • Reduced resource misallocation and waste
  • Decreased waste due to overspending
  • Prevention of costly reworks
  • Greater Return On Investment
  • Improved client relationships
  • Successful operational compliance
  • And more reliable quality control.

Read here to learn “How The Right Construction Operations Management Software Can Help Contractors With Compliance.”

Construction Productivity – Mobile Solutions At Your Fingertips

Work better. Work faster. With more accuracy, efficiency and assurance. This is the benefit of modern construction equipment and technology. Although change can sometimes feel difficult and expensive, adopting mobile app construction technology is not complicated. Nor is it overly expensive. The ROI comes quick.

In an industry known to be losing $1.6 trillion per year due to poor management of productivity, who can really afford not to take advantage of mobile resources? We can help you make the change. We can put a construction-focused mobile solution at your fingertips. But best of all, we can help you automate the benefits. So do not delay.

Having a mobile workforce means staying in contact with your jobsite workers, even when the team is dispatched to remote locations. Here, now, today:

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