How Mobile Apps Help Productivity In Construction

How Mobile Apps Help Productivity In Construction

Mobile Apps – Core To Enhanced Jobsite Productivity and Connectivity

Mobile technology defines the dynamics of modern productivity in construction. It’s about reliable workforce and asset allocation. It’s about using mobile apps to enable organizational planning that reaches far beyond office communications. Construction-based real-time mobile communications and idea integration saves time, promotes greater contractor efficiency, and ensures a higher level of safety, quality control and company profits.
Application of properly controlled cloud-supported mobile communications eliminates geographical limitations. Distance is no longer a barrier to joint collaboration, shared documentation and promotion of same-page thinking. Mobile technology touches more and more aspects of the construction industry. We’ve listed some of the main reasons to adopt mobile apps:

Daily Reporting

No more hand-written forms. No hastily crafted and clumsy spreadsheets. Rather mobile apps put daily reporting online, instantly sharable and fully integrated into a series of automated data tracking, grouping and analyzing processes. Update on the fly. Improve accuracy. Ensure that even off-site employees remain aware of on-site decisions, activities and process changes.

Voice, Video and Photo Enhancements

Think how greatly immediate access to site photo shots and video can increase the efficiency of voice communications. No more waiting to get back to an office for updates in changes to jobsite blueprints. With fingertip control of Push-to-Talk (PPT) communications, real-time email access, and simplified file sharing, efficiency of productivity construction exceeds all previous opportunities. Get in touch and stay in touch. Reap the benefits of immediate answers to difficult questions. Get rapid access to the information you need for the making of accurate on-the-job decisions.

Tracking, Recording, Confirming and Auditing Work Hours

Mobile timecards provide better tracking, reliable recording, and confirmed tools for auditing job cost and the related work hours. Integrated GPS-tracking enables accountants as well as supervisors with accurate means for identifying employees by location and jobsite activities. It’s about accountability in a way that ensures a higher rate of jobsite productivity.
Reduce payroll expenses. Dispatch workforce and assets with greater precision. Improve job costing and estimating. Reduce errors. And eliminate miscommunication.

Improve Accuracy and Speed In The Billing Process

Eliminate excessive invoicing paperwork. Many modern business entities have already switched to a paperless invoicing and payment system. Use of mobile technology fits right into the game plan. With the mobile app efficiency of the Assignar accounting package and your company can easily:

  • Collect timesheets
  • Build custom invoice forms
  • Import timesheets and asset charges
  • Create accurate invoices
  • Send professional looking invoices as soon as a job is finished
  • Track payments
  • AND more.

Aspects of Assignar Workforce and Asset Allocation and Planning Mobile Technologies

Construction contractors use Assignar for so many functions, including:

  • Dispatch workers with to the right site at the right time
  • Ensuring worker access to relevant documents when they are needed
  • Compliance
  • Automated distribution of reminders when a document, license or certificates expire
  • Invoicing
  • Job costing
  • AND so much more.

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