Jobsite Safety – How To Enforce Safety Regulations On The Jobsite

Jobsite Safety – How To Enforce Safety Regulations On The Jobsite

Office Safety Regulations – Reducing Accumulated Jobsite Safety Paperwork

To best reduce jobsite safety issues, modern construction companies require access to clear and decisive office safety regulations. This means you have access to a safety plan that takes into account every aspect of your company and project operations. If crafted correctly, a well-executed and comprehensive company safety plan:

  • Reduces worker injuries
  • Ensures a better and safer overall work environment
  • Diminishes the overhead of excess injury-related expenditures
  • Promotes greater equipment reliability and durability via safety-focused equipment maintenance processes 
  • AND effectively pays for itself.

Problem is: The traditional paperwork used to enforce safety regulations on jobsite activities comes as a mountain of excessive overhead.

Controlling the Flow Of Office Safety Regulations

We live in an age of instantaneous mobile-communications, digitalized data management, and customized construction-focused software applications. The battle to turn well-crafted office safety regulations into practical jobsite safety performance is over. And it begins by taking control of all the accumulated jobsite paperwork.

This is the wonder of the Assignar workforce and asset allocating and planning construction package. It’s a digitized method wherein contractor operational processes, including the dispersion and collection of safety forms, can be streamlined into a well-organized and easy-to-manage database of project-focused information.

With applied Assignar, workers no longer miss out on newly released and/or updated office safety regulations. Put an end to the accumulation of misplaced or possibly unread safety documents and manuals. Assignar not only helps you organize data, it also:

  • Ensures that safety forms reach the intended destination
  • Issues routine safety reminders
  • Confirms that new jobsite safety documents are acknowledged as well as received.

Components Of Effective Jobsite Safety Programs

An effective workplace safety plan revolves around a host of sometimes very complex processes. The following points merely touch the base, and zoom in for a quick look at the value of efficient job hazard analysis.

Role of Supervisors

Once office safety regulations are compiled, supervisors take on the primary responsibilities of enforcement. It’s a day-to-day job that involves:

  • Planning
  • Instructional training
  • Monitoring
  • Daily analysis of job hazards
  • Motivation
  • AND Enforcement.

Effective Rules and Regulations

Eighty-five percent of all workplace accidents are due to employee failure in following existing safety regulations (Knepper Insurance, "A Safer Work Environment Will Control Your Worker’s Compensation Costs). Overcome this by:

  • Involving employees in the rule-making decisions
  • Routine review of workplace accidents
  • Keeping the rules clear and easy to understand
  • Hold routine safety meetings
  • Perform comprehensive job hazard analysis
  • AND taking time to adjust rules according to changing conditions.

Assignar Manages Jobsite Safety Regulations & Compliance

This article merely touches on a token of the steps involved in workplace safety. Managing the process can be an overwhelming mess of paperwork. But it need not be. Assignar can help reduce the load while enabling you to better and more effectively:

  • Dispatch workers and equipment to the right site at the right time
  • Provide workers with rapid access to all relevant documents, including licensing, certifications, and safety reports and regulations
  • Send daily reminders
  • Confirm document receipt and acknowledge
  • Ensure safer working environments
  • Ensure safer site equipment
  • AND Stay compliant with current safety regulations.

It’s all here, all ready for immediate application. Take control of your company. Try the Assignar construction contractor app today.


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Compliance, Health & Safety , Document management , Workforce Management