How Operation Software Streamlines Construction Worker Training.

How Operation Software Streamlines Construction Worker Training.

Running a successful construction company means keeping a lot of balls in the air at once. You have to maximize the use of equipment, meet industry regulations and standards, complete work on time and manage a skilled workforce. All of these elements must miraculously come together in a cost-effective fashion. To that end, many companies are integrating the type of cutting edge software Assignar provides to help keep workers trained and on task. For companies that don’t buy into appropriate management tools, the alternative can be unfortunate.

Managing Chaos

An example of workforce mismanagement is the labour hire sector in Australia. The industry comprises nearly 6,000 staffing agencies that send temps to fill short-term labor gaps. These people take 235,000 to 470,000 vacancies. They often find themselves dealing with deplorable working and living conditions. Many are unqualified or underqualified to operate equipment and manage dangerous tasks.
While the Master Builders Association of Victoria claims that these exploited workers are siphoning off the rightful jobs of Australian craftsmen, companies have pushed back. They make the argument that low-wage employees are an important way to balance the cost of higher paying skilled workers. From a labor management perspective, nothing could be further from the truth. (
Consider managing large numbers of untrained workers through on-site supervisors. Lack of experience means inefficiency and a greater likelihood of serious injuries. Whether you have 20 or 2,000 men and women on site at a given time, it’s a system doomed to falter.

FieldWorker Management App

Operation software, like Assignar allows construction companies to put the appropriately skilled workers in jobs they can succeed. Once their information is integrated into the database, you’ll be able to effectively oversee an entire crew efficiently and electronically. Employee skillsets and certifications are clear and notifications can be sent prior to them expiring or needing retraining. Most importantly, you won’t put an unqualified person on a task they can’t perform at a high level.
By mandating that full-time and temporary employees interact with the FieldWorker app, you’ll know the status of onsite work and be able to schedule crews to handle the next phase of a project. Think about how wasteful it is to send a foreman to every structure to take notes on framing, brickwork, plumbing, etc. Then have that supervisor hoofs notes back to a main office for a meeting and discussion about next steps. Talk about inefficient.
A far better use of assets would be to use software that transmits information directly from the site to the command center or appropriate supervisors. Then take that information to plan next steps and assign the best workers for those tasks electronically. During this process, you’ll be able to see which people need training for upcoming jobs in advance.
One of the wasteful things that happens on many job sites is bosses having to take time to individually train people on minor equipment like compressors, nail guns or jack hammers. operation software could electronically notify supervisors in the field to pull untrained employees in groups to run through equipment usage. Basically, instead of your foremen running around with note pads and dealing with people one on one, they can ready crewmembers for emerging tasks.
The labour hire method of trying to manage chaos has numerous drawbacks. From a purely accounting perspective, the idea that low wages offset the cost of mismanagement is patently false. Paying unqualified worker less to handle the tasks of a trained employee will inevitably cost far more in terms of oversight, worker injuries, inefficiency and reputation.

How to streamline labour training

Assignar is a user-friendly software that can bring together all of your key assets, stakeholders and streamline workforce training in a safe and cost-effective fashion. At the end of the day, profit and reputation are driving forces in construction.
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