Fleet and Tool Management Software in Construction

Fleet and Tool Management Software in Construction

Construction management includes the maintenance and replacement of heavy vehicles and tools. Many construction companies make half-hearted attempts to manage these two critical assets using at best spreadsheets and at worst the back of a greasy napkin if anything at all.

There is a way to enjoy hassle free fleet and tool management – it is part of the programs offered by Assignar, a provider of cutting edge construction management software based in the cloud.

With a cloud based fleet management tool, you enjoy many benefits that make it easy to manage your tools and heavy motorized equipment. Following are what some of these key benefits are and why they are important.

  1. You know where tools and heavy motorized equipment are at all times. Using GPS tracking and other methodology, Fleet tracking software knows where your tools are all the time. Since construction companies want to get the right equipment and tools to the right place, with proper personnel to operate them – knowing where resources are becomes crucial.
  2. You know if tools and heavy equipment are ready to use or out-of-service for repair or needed maintenance.
  3. When the end of a tools’ useful life has been reached, Assignar communicates with you to tell you that a replacement is needed.
  4. Certification and license tracking lets you know which operators can work with specific heavy equipment and tools.

If this was all that Assignar assisted you in regarding fleet management you would be ahead.

When equipment and construction tools are logged into fleet management software. The information input to the system includes the date placed into service, initial licensure or permit (if required), the equipment’s maintenance schedule, and its safety inspections. With this information in a system, a project or construction manager is notified when:

  • It is time to renew licensure or permits
  • It is time for maintenance including the maintenance to be performed
  • It is time for a scheduled safety check
  • It is time to replace the heavy rolling stock or a particular tool

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