Essentials of an Optimized Construction Industry Safety Culture

Essentials of an Optimized Construction Industry Safety Culture

Building Optimized Safety Culture and Health Management Within The Construction Industry

An optimized safety culture helps reduce construction industry accidents. This means reduced worker anxiety, fewer problems in the HR resources department, and a more efficient work environment. But most importantly, better jobsite controls in safety and health management help save lives.
Having an assurance of greater workplace safety also touches and improves many project operational factors that you may not have considered. For example, a recent four-year study performed by Smart Market, Data & Analytics evidenced the following positive benefits of successful construction industry optimized safety practices:

  • A 15% increase in contractor ability to contract new work
  • A 24% increase in contractor ability to attract new staff
  • A 47% increase in contractor staff retention
  • AND A 16% increase in Project ROI (Smart Market Report Data & Analytics)

But how to you make it happen? Here are four essential components associated with an optimized culture of safety within the construction industry.

1) Optimized Safety Culture Communication

No matter what the endeavor within your construction firm, optimized communication always plays a critical role. Safety control and employee health assurance are no exception. Ignorance of task-specific safety requirements breeds error and error often promotes safety hazards. The solution: Establish direct, clear, and unambiguous workplace and job-specific safety instruction. Set precise safety specs for each and every project task and activity.
Invest in communications tools and software best suited for the unique operations needs within the construction industry. You need access to rapid and efficient lateral and vertical exchange of ideas and instructions. And you need these communication tools optimized to the unique hazards common to the industry.

2) Optimized Safety Culture Documentation

Perhaps this is a no-brainer, but we must all recognize that word-of-mouth safety instruction, tracking and auditing are inherently faulty. Not to mention the problems such a method of operations would encounter in the world of legal standards and requirements for proper licenses, permits, registrations and safety reporting.
But we also realize how complex all the paperwork can be if handled by hand or by some type of trumped-up spreadsheet. Don’t get caught in such a trap. The Assignar construction operations software package includes customizable forms that you can use to implement Jobsite Policies, Procedures, Audits and Tracking.

3) Optimized Safety Culture For Procurement of Proper Equipment

According to NCBI Resources, from 1992 to 2010, occupational fatalities involving machinery averaged 770 deaths annually. Proper equipment maintenance and servicing, procurement and application, and awareness of proper usage remain a critical aspect to the assurance of an optimized construction industry safety culture. Do not take unnecessary risk with a worker’s limb or life.
Assignar has the tools that you need to Keep Track of Asset Maintenance and Procurement of Proper Equipment.

4) Optimized Safety Culture With A Mindset That Supports Innovation

Innovation: The cornerstone of growth, progress, success and a culture of safety within the construction industry. Over the past few years, and due to the interactions of contractors with a mind to support innovations in safety, more and more new practices in safety and productivity have entered the industry. Workload is up yet the relative safety incidents are down. Encourage your people to participate.
Click here to learn how “Safety Toolbox Talks Can Help Set Workplace Expectations.”

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