Bidding Strategy For 2018 – Using Jobsite Analytics For Your Benefit

Bidding Strategy For 2018 – Using Jobsite Analytics For Your Benefit

Effective Jobsite Analytics Offer Huge Benefits Even To Smaller Companies

Data crunching via jobsite analytics is the new construction norm. It gives to every contractor, even the smaller ones, ability to process enormous quantities of data at extraordinary speeds. It enables contractors to focus on jobsite operations instead of internal IT processing and management. It offers a certain and proven path to higher productivity at lower cost and with less effort.

Assignar tools for optimized data collection, organization and analytics thereof evokes a methodology of information control wherein contractors can craft a more effective and efficient cost and bidding strategy by using real-time data collection, analytics and visualizing – all with higher accuracy and confidence. And this is but one component of the Assignar operations software for construction. For improved jobsite performance and higher 2018 job bidding, construction contractors use Assignar’s integrated reports and analytics tools to:

  • Improve data collection
  • Ensure data accuracy
  • Group assets, workers, projects and supplier
  • Craft custom reports
  • Gain greater insight into daily operations
  • AND better visualize every aspect of business processes.

Assignar Data Visualizer – Core To Development of a Winning 2018 Bidding Strategy

Effective data crunching provides contractors with several specific benefits, for use in the field and in the office, for improvement in performance production and in time tracking, accounting and project bidding. Here are three of the most important benefits in useing Assignar jobsite analysis tools:

1) Enhanced Capacities in Problem Solving

Rapid accessibility to reliable details enables construction firms to better predict possible jobsite complications, more clearly visualize trouble spots, and ensure that information gets reaches the right people at the right time.

2) Reliable Risk Control

The Assignar Data Visualizer provides operations management with a customizable capacity for gathering advanced insight into cost uncertainties, long-term points for task and operations improvement, and critical areas where better evaluation of processes can help prevent unnecessary risks.

3) Performance, Costing and Bidding

Rapid access to large chunks of reliable operations data combined with dependable data analytics ensures accurate tracking of company performance. This invites higher project profitability, greater performance efficiency, and more reliable job bidding.  

Perhaps this gives you a better idea of how applied jobsite analytics can help you craft and execute a more effective 2018 bidding strategy. Using Assignar construction operations management software and the components of our customizable Data Visualizer enables contractors with power over workers, assets and the lessons gained from previous jobs.

Act now, and learn how Assignar Data Visualizer can help your 2018 work bids come in quicker, better and more accurate.


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