Assess Health And Safety – Daily Safety Checks

Assess Health And Safety – Daily Safety Checks

Safety belongs at the top of every jobsite daily checklist. So how well is the construction industry meeting the challenge?

Daily Jobsite Safety – Prioritize

Understand. Daily safety is not based on where you work, when you work or what work you perform. Yet we all know that the construction industry ranks top in the order of dangerous job careers. Thankfully, the modern industry now promotes a major effort to ensure a company culture that envisions improved worker health and safety. In fact, it may be one of America’s greater success stories.

On-Site Health And Safety – Room For Further Attention

As with all human activities, success is often followed by a period of excessive relaxation. Current reports from the U.S. Construction Industry Institute indicate that this may be happening with the construction focus on safety. Site-related improvements have slowed. Leadership has gotten slack. Attention to detail falls short. And many workers now face new increase in dangers associated with jobsite safety.

Churn The Safety Culture – A Renewal of Daily Safety Checks

Perhaps your construction company has fallen behind on daily safety duties. It happens. But for those with previous good reports, correction is not that difficult. It’s mostly a matter of returning to exacting enforcement of existing laws and regulations, bolder engagement from the supervisors, and setting focus on complete employee participation. Here’s how to reawaken your construction safety vision:

  • Create clearly defined jobsite safety procedures
  • Integrate comprehensive high-hazard documentation
  • Restore daily safety meetings and opportunities for safety moments
  • Craft and declare significant penalties against failure to comply with company safety standards and regulations
  • Develop group and individual daily work plans that include detailed analysis of the associated task-specific risks
  • Demand employee as well as supervisor accountability
  • Provide timely assistance whenever necessary
  • Correct existing safety issues
  • Bring management back onboard
  • And If you haven’t already taken the plunge, consider activating a digitized construction operations management system.

Third-Party Workforce and Asset Allocation and Planning Resources

If not rightly managed, taking on jobsite safety issues can be burdensome. Yet documenting daily safety checks doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Identifying potential hazards and unsafe conditions needs not consume hours from each day. With the right construction operations management toolbox, moving daily safety observations into a permanent and easy to analyze, modify and review database can be rapid and accurate. Benefits include:

  • Run daily, weekly and monthly trend analysis from a central database
  • Identify near misses and catch problems before they occur
  • Record incidents as well as the completion of a correction response
  • Make it easier for employees to participate
  • Ensure the safety of everyone on the jobsite.
  • Keep it all management driven.

Many construction contractors keep their safety management in Assignar, a workforce and asset allocation and planning software package. It’s the easy and accurate way to assess your company’s health and safety compliance.

Learn more about how Assignar construction management software can help you improve jobsite safety.


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