3 Reasons Real-Time Data Will Revolutionize The Construction Industry

3 Reasons Real-Time Data Will Revolutionize The Construction Industry

Real-Time Data Core To Enhanced Construction Productivity and Jobsite Performance

Even though many contractors continue to struggle with pen-to-paper operations management, automated real-time data collection moves to revolutionize the construction industry. And well it should. Consider the inherent delays of paper-processed field data, spreadsheet-based details management and hand-penciled blueprint distribution. Not to mention the roadblocks of pen-to-paper safety reports, compliance statements and workforce allocation and scheduling.

Real-time data input, collection and analysis is core to enhanced jobsite performance and productivity. And the solution is already here, already in use and already available to you. It about the power of mobile technology backed by customized construction contractor operations management software.

3 Ways Real-Time Data Can Revolutionize The Construction Industry

Each day, yet another contractors recognize the need to eliminate the waste. They look around, and they see competitors using tools that enhance construction productivity and jobsite performance. And they know that it is time to take advantage of real-time data collection, analysis and distribution. Here are three construction-focused benefits of applied real-time data control:

1) Real-Time Data Collection Promotes Accuracy Via Better Data Quality

In order to make informed decisions, contractors need valid data. Yet more often than not, data collected via pen-to-paper suffers a compromised integrity thereby threatening the veracity of the decision-making process. In the words of David Zubrow from Carnegie Mellon University, “It’s always going to cost you more to fix it after the fact, and it’s very hard to go back to the point of origin and correct data once it’s entered the system.”

Leveraging data only works if the data is accurate. Therein, modern real-time data collection technology plays a major role ensuring the quality of the collected information. From data entry to visual feedback and from data analysis to basic number crunching, mobile tools simplify the process and give immediate accuracy and usability to the entire workforce.

2) Real-Time Data Collection Enhances The Value of Accurate Historical Project Data

Everyone understands the importance of OSHA safety standards. But have you ever really pondered how those standards come about?

It’s all about making use of collected and verified historical data. Whether dealing with OSHA safety standards or historical project standards, one theme remains common. The information must be accurate, timely and applicable to current conditions. Real-time data collection combined with high-power construction contractor operations management software enables rapid projections from past to present and future projects. When applied correctly, accurate historical project data promotes more accurate cost estimates, increased jobsite productivity and better overall project performance.

3) Real-Time Data Collection Eliminates Data Overload

Contrary to some assumptions, real-time data collection does not result in an overabundance of information. Rather than seeking to accumulate more data, effective real-time data collection sets focus on collecting accurate necessary data. But due to the efficiency of modern mobile construction operations software, some companies will experience a measure of data overload.

But that is the beauty of efficient contractor software. Even those who do not think they need certain information often come to experience the value of real-time data accuracy. It’s about getting necessary information to the right person at the right place and at the right time. Mobile technology makes it happen.

Take a test run of Assignar tools for data collection and data analytics as a real-time construction ROI.



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