COVID-19 Business Continuity and Crisis Management at Assignar

COVID-19 Business Continuity and Crisis Management at Assignar

Customer success is one of our core values at Assignar. We do not foresee any impact to the delivery of the Assignar service due to COVID-19, and as always, we are committed to keeping our service up and running for you around the globe. Our cloud-based, multi-tenant architecture model and distributed data center approach is designed to operate without any service disruptions. We also have formed an internal Coronavirus Preparedness Team to mitigate any potential disruptions to our business, if necessary in the future.
Many of you are examining your own preparations for potential disruptions caused by COVID-19, and in the spirit of transparency, another of our core values, we are proactively sharing the information below to support your efforts. We will continue to assess our plans, and share relevant updates, as warranted.

People + Remote Work

Thanks in part to our own technology, Assignar employees and contractors are already able to (and frequently do) work from anywhere, and have the resources and tools they need to do their jobs securely from any location. To make determinations around remote work and office closures, we carefully monitor and consider advice from the World Health Organization, Australian Government Department of Health, the Centers for Disease Control, the U.S. Department of State, and government and health officials in local communities where our employees live and work.

Business Continuity Planning

As a cloud-native company with a geographically-dispersed team and flexible, distributed workforce, we are prepared to virtually manage business continuity challenges. Our approach is designed to ensure that our service remains available to you during times of natural disaster or other unexpected and challenging events. Our business continuity planning is also intended to ensure we will have open channels for timely communications with you and our other stakeholders.

Service + Operations

Our cloud service is designed with a high degree of redundancy and geographic fail-over capabilities to reduce the likelihood of significant impact. We maintain policies and procedures for responding to emergencies, including a disaster recovery plan. And we, along with our sub-processors, have data centers and technical support located around the world, including across APAC, North America and Europe.
At Assignar, your success is our success. In times of natural disaster and other unexpected or challenging events, we have plans, processes and teams in place to ensure our service works seamlessly, so you can focus on your critical business goals.

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