YES Group reap the benefits of Assignar’s GPS Tracking Platform as early adopters

YES Group reap the benefits of Assignar’s GPS Tracking Platform as early adopters

Based in the Riverland of South Australia, YES Group had its origins in high voltage where their founder Mark Yates grew the business from a team of 4 working on a project in Port Lincoln to a team of 25 after winning a major tender in Victoria. Now, YES Group has over 50 staff executing work Australia-wide.
YES Group has diversified their offering and expanded to offer full turn-key solutions to the Australian Energy Market. They now operate in the residential, commercial, farming and retail market. YES Group continues to seek new and exciting ways to create employment opportunities for locals while unlocking new technologies and markets which have previously not been accessible to rural communities. This innovative attitude towards tech adoption has seen YES Group build strong digital systems k to support their business. With multiple CRMs, a project management tool and Assignar as their resource management tool with GPS trackers enabled, YES Group have showcased why they are leaders in the Australian Energy space.

Resource Maximization

As innovators and early adopters of tech, YES group were quick to jump on board with Assignar’s GPS trackers. With the depth data, they were already collecting via their digital systems, YES Group knew that diving deeper into vehicle data would help them make better business decisions.

Founder and Director, Mark Yates shared his insight, “we knew getting GPS trackers would give us more data on our vehicles and driver’s behaviour to ensure the safety of our workers whilst optimising our technician’s time on-site. Our technicians work across widespread projects conducting service work on multiple sites a day in remote areas. We receive a lot of one-day service calls and would schedule out available technicians to emergency call-outs. Sometimes this would mean 6-hour round trips for our technicians. Now with Assignar’s GPS tracking, we can see the closest technician to the job”.

“We have easily saved 5 hours per service call, per technician per day.”

YES Group has been able to create a more cost-effective process in technician allocation through Assignar’s GPS tracking platform. With service and maintenance work attributing to 20% of their overall business, the time saved from cutting down unnecessary travel means that YES Group is truly optimising their resources out in the field. Mark Yates further commented that “the annual cost of the tracker is easily warranted given the cost savings we have seen in the first few weeks of using the tracking platform”.
Assignar’s GPS tracking platform has also enabled YES Group to protect its business on projects. With the data granularity in the platform, especially the recording of time-on-site, YES Group can prove to a client how long a technician was on-site and highlight how long additional tasks took to complete.
Furthermore, the visibility of vehicle location has assisted YES Group in identifying opportunities in the business process. Business Development Manager, Haydn Yates highlighted “we had a technician on leave whose vehicle was left at their property. We didn’t have that visibility before with the number of utes we have out on projects. Now, we can set up the correct vehicle policy for leave to ensure that underutilised assets can be maximised to the full potential when workers are on leave”.

Safety first and detailed reports

YES Group is also enjoying the safety features of the GPS tracking platform. By creating reports and alerts on driver behaviour YES Group are taking necessary steps in ensuring that all their crews get home safely. Assignar’s GPS tracking platform details driver behaviours and can rank drivers based on their driving as well as set alerts on key actions such as speeding, harsh acceleration, severe braking and quick starts.
Assignar’s GPS tracking platform has ready-made reports for usage such as:

  • Vehicle reports – Trip and idle times
  • Time on site reports based on geofences or points of interests
  • Sites visited vs not visited reports
  • Fuel consumption reports
  • Driver behaviour reports – speeding, harsh acceleration, server braking and quick starts
  • Eco report – a ranking score based on driving. Drivers are sent a weekly report with vehicle information for the week. No worker names are released via this report.

Assignar’s GPS Tracking Platform

Assignar’s GPS Tracking Platform works with Assignar’s core platform to combat the safety and operational challenges businesses face in the field. Assignar’s tracking platform provides real-time data into time and attendance, driver behaviour and key vehicle metrics such as fuel consumption. With our GPS trackers, you can minimise idle behaviour, fuel theft and implement speed control.

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