Prepare your business for the $2.7 billion Building Works blitz for Victoria

Prepare your business for the $2.7 billion Building Works blitz for Victoria

This week Premier Daniel Andrews announced a $2.7 billion construction blitz for Victoria to stimulate the state’s economy. The announcement predicts to create 3,700 jobs for Victorian construction workers. The upcoming projects were carefully chosen due to their ability to quickly start as the state accelerates investment for COVID-19 recovery.
Premier Andrews stated, “from upgrading our roads and rail to critical maintenance for social housing and new projects for our tourist destinations, this package will create jobs for our local tradies and so many others – and support local businesses all over Victoria”.
Victorian Treasurer, Tim Pallas further commented that “we’ve always said Victoria is the engineer room of the nation – with this package, we’re cranking the engine and kickstarting our economy”.

Upcoming Projects in Victoria

  • $382 million for upgrades, maintenance and new experiences at tourism destinations including 50 kilometres of mountain bike trails in the Ararat Hills and upgrades at the Gippsland Lakes
  • Transport spending including 300km of regional track improvements, repairs at more than 15 train stations, more maintenance on trains and trams, local pier upgrades along the coast and $328 million for resurfacing and patching roads

View more upcoming projects here

Balancing WHS and operational efficiency

Victoria’s commitment to kickstarting the economy is a welcomed announcement after months under lockdown restrictions. Despite the injection of funds, SafeWork Australia’s COVID-19 policies and processes are likely to govern the WHS procedures over the coming months. Such as physical distancing, rigorous sanitising and cleaning rosters all of which need to be recorded and logged.
During these challenging times, more and more sub and self-perform contractors are moving towards digital solutions. Digitising key operational processes enables contractors to not only streamline their processes but also abide by strict WHS procedures.
The Government has clearly shown its trust and investment in the construction industry. Now is the time for sub and self-perform contractors to showcase that they can not only self-regulate through COVID-19 recovery but they can also improve the standards of the industry as a whole. This starts with embracing technology to propel their business forward.

The paperless solution

The construction industry is renowned for being the least digitised in the world. Day to day operational activities includes countless amounts of paperwork, constant phone calls and whiteboard based schedules. This leads to incredible inefficiencies in simple day to day activities such as timesheet collection.
Victorian sub and self-perform contractors are adopting tech to set themselves apart from their competition and remove the inefficiencies creating bottlenecks in their business. Contractors such as Simcat Demolition, ATC and Beckon have reaped the benefits of adopting a paperless solution in their business.
Assignar is an operations platform for sub and self-perform contractors. The mobile app enables workers to submit digital timesheets, dockets, site diaries and safety forms. All submissions are received by the office in real-time, dramatically reducing the time it takes to collect and process jobsite paperwork. In addition, this digital paperwork is timestamped and logs geo-location to keep the business and the worker accountable for their deliverables.

Take the health check. Benchmark your digital operations strategy against the competition

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