PM announces $1.5B in Infrastructure works as part JobMaker Plan

PM announces $1.5B in Infrastructure works as part JobMaker Plan

The Federal Government has announced a further $1.5 billion in infrastructure works across Australia. Additionally, 15 major projects will be fast-tracked to stimulate growth and support thousands of jobs as the nation recovers from the economic effects of COVID-19.
Urban Infrastructure Minister, Alan Tudge noted that “these mega-projects constitute $72 billion dollars of investment and will unlock 66,000 jobs. We want to absolutely accelerate the time frame to get those going, so we can realise those jobs more quickly”.
This investment is in addition to the $180 billion already committed to infrastructure works over the next 10 years.
He will say the government has already committed nearly $180 billion on infrastructure in the next decade, with more than half allocated across the four years of the forward estimates.
The Infrastructure stimulus is a part of the Prime Minister’s JobMaker Plan. The plan includes 5 working groups across government, unions and businesses examining industrial relation reforms to enable deregulation and projects fast-tracked.
“Shovel-ready” projects include:

  • Inland rail project from Melbourne to Brisbane
  • Marinus undersea electricity link between Tasmania and Victoria
  • Olympic Dam extension in South Australia
  • Emergency town water projects in NSW
  • Road, rail and iron ore projects in Western Australia

Prime Minister, Scott Morrison stressed that “we need to bring the same common sense and cooperation we showed fighting COVID-19 to unlocking infrastructure investment in the recovery.”

READ ARTICLE: Arm your business for fast-tracked construction projects Across Austalia


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