Jobsite Safety, Technology At Work For Construction Workforce Safety

Jobsite Safety, Technology At Work For Construction Workforce Safety

Fundamental Technology Upgrades That Promote Better Jobsite Safety

Modern construction technology can help every construction company achieve a better jobsite safety record. Of course the focus is, not all about records. Those are just tools that help contractors keep better track of on-the-job health and safety hazards and risk factors.
Construction ranks among the top in high-risk work environments. And although some tasks are by nature more risky than others, project type really has little to do with the overall construction industry safety risk statistics. Ignoring for the moment, safety incidents involving non-fatal injury or other health issues, records from the US Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, reported construction-related over 5,000 fatalities in 2016. On average, U.S. construction operations experience more than 14 deaths each and every day. Reported causes of construction worker deaths include:

Modern Construction Technology Overcomes The Past Breakdown In Jobsite Safety Management

On the plus side, recent decades have experienced a significant decrease in work-related construction workforce deaths. Much of the gain comes about due to a shift in safety policies and safety procedures, in action, confirmation and reporting. Yet, zero-target rules and regulations cannot fully control the problems. Construction-related safety hazards are many and the associated risk factors are great. Effectively reducing the dangers requires much more than a few pen-to-paper reports, word-of-mouth communications and spreadsheet-based analysis.
There is no longer any value or purpose in the old methods of communications, data accumulation, incident tracking, reporting and documentation. Modern construction operations and management software technology now provide digital tools that greatly simplify such operational tasks.

Tools of the Trade – Modern Construction Safety Technology

Many construction firms have not yet embraced the benefits of software-orientated safety technology. No matter. If your construction company is among those still lingering on the fringes of a dedicated workforce safety management program, here are a few of the safety aspects of Benefits of Construction Site Management Gone Digital:

  • Improved Documentation: Automated search and analysis, pinpoint hazards quickly, modify and update from the site, defined checklists
  • Consistent Communication: Real-time risk-relay of process procedural changes
  • Regulate Training and Re-Certification: Automated training management, instant access to historical data, organize, notify and activate recertification
  • Clarity of Procedures and Policies: Integrated policy and procedure management tools, real-time sharing and updating, more
  • Efficiency in JSA: Streamline the process of Job Safety Analysis.

Assignar construction operations management software includes some of the most comprehensive safety technology in the business. Protect your workers even as reap better benefits in project productivity and overall profits. Boost the bottom line but not at the expense of your workforce.
To learn more about how construction contractors are benefiting from digitized jobsite safety technology, contact us today.
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