How Big Data is Transforming the Construction Industry Part #2

How Big Data is Transforming the Construction Industry Part #2
Are you using Big Data in your construction business?

Big Data is the result of advances in technology and innovation. In Part #1 we looked at the 5 areas that Big Data is transforming the construction industry including project insights, predictive analytics, problem aversion, benchmarking and reporting.
Big Data is helping the construction industry move into the 21st century. By capturing the data through a digital platform like Assignar, construction companies are able to analyse the information coming from site, and make real-time business decisions based on what is actually happening.
In Part #2 we dive deeper into visualisation and optimisation of the data that is collected from the field and from projects.
How Big Data is Transforming the Construction Industry #2
Big Data is one of the key factors that is transforming the construction industry and the way in which managers make decisions. They can now make factual and data-driven business decision by having systems and platforms like Assignar in place to capture, track and measure what is happening in reality.

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