GUEST BLOG: A New Era in Traffic Management

GUEST BLOG: A New Era in Traffic Management

Never before had the traffic management industry considered the concept of one person per vehicle, or the inability to review plans in close proximity to a fellow traffic controller. We are living in a new era where social distancing and Teams and Zoom meetings have replaced face to face contact and site tours.
This new era has meant traffic management is required more than ever:

  • for border control
  • for emergency services and utilities
  • for civil construction and
  • for road works

I have had the opportunity to speak to TMAA members across Australia this week, and the highlight of these conversations is that our members are out there in the firing line (some with more limited work scopes, and others busier than ever). As well, governments across the country are promising construction as the key to rescue the economy from this virus.
To be ready for this anticipated peak in construction, be vigilant in keeping your teams working in safe conditions, following all COVID 19 social and hygiene rules, as outlined on the Australian Government website here. State governments are also releasing Safety information with the Tasmanian work safety guidelines available now. South Australia also has a Safework SA Guide and Victoria’s is available here.
Victorian State Premier Daniel Andrews has been quoted as saying, “When we get to the other side of this, the biggest construction boom in our state’s history will need to be even bigger. We will need to do more to protect jobs, to create new jobs, and to make sure that we bounce back from this as strong as we possibly can.” These sentiments are being echoed across the country.
To my traffic management industry peers stay safe during this time. Be ready for post-COVID-19 and the beginning of another new era.
Times like these bring out the heroes in our teams, so take time over the break to celebrate your heroes by nominating your traffic controllers for the TCOY Awards via this link.
Together we will build a new era and TMAA will be with you all the way.

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