Fleet Management and Maintenance Software Promotes Higher Profits

Fleet Management and Maintenance Software Promotes Higher Profits

For an ever-increasing number of heavy construction contractors, the age of hands-on hardware-based fleet management and equipment maintenance has passed away. Applied dedicated construction maintenance solutions offer a proven path toward better and more efficient data control and preventive maintenance processing, including functions that ensure:

  • Reduced management processing time
  • Reduced paperwork errors
  • Reduced maintenance expenses
  • AND Reduced heavy construction equipment down time.

Fleet Management and Maintenance Software Drives Profits Via More Efficient Equipment Maintenance

Contractors readily acknowledge the bottom line advantages of preventive maintenance over responsive repairs. However, the ancient processes defined by localized paper trails, clumsy spreadsheet-based computer tracking, and isolated record sorting typically fails to shift the balance toward preventive equipment management.

Real-time, networked automated fleet management and maintenance construction software promotes higher profits via ensured well-controlled preventive equipment servicing practices. To keep relevant documents flowing rapidly and accurately between dispatch, workers, and management teams, use the Assignar asset allocation and planning application.

Specialized Automated Preventive Maintenance Proves To Be Effective, Efficient, and Cost Reductive

Tired of sorting through spreadsheets, faded reports, and mistyped forms?

Don’t have time for manually calculating best-scenario preventive maintenance intervals?

Wish you had a more effective, efficient and cost reductive fleet management and equipment maintenance solution?

End the confusion, the delays, and the excessive expenses. Join the growing list of established construction-based companies now reaping the benefits of the Assignar managed construction contractor software solution. Case studies include:

  • Retro Traffic –Uses Assignar to improve office-to-field communication, asset allocation, data sharing, and more.
  • PerfectHire Labour With Tools – Using Assignar to simplify day-to-day operations, manage field workers, compile real-time asset tracking reports, and meet requirements for ISO compliance standards.
  • Infraworks – Specialist rail industry service provider in the Sydney area, offering performance management of rail infrastructure upgrades and maintenance programs.
  • AND More.

Benefits of Fleet Management and Maintenance Via Dedicated Construction Contractor Software

Managing information need not be complex. Software as a Service (SaaS) may be somewhat new to the construction industry, but the benefits of cloud-based workforce and equipment allocation and planning certainly simplifies a once complicated process. Some of the major features include:

  • Automated Equipment Feedback – Delivers rapid access to equipment fault codes, meter readings, and more
  • Automated Scheduling – Preventive maintenance schedules crafted around predetermined application of accumulated data and team alerts
  • Emergency Comparisons – Enables more efficient response to emergency equipment breakdowns while also incorporating historic repair data coupled to upcoming equipment maintenance schedules  
  • Realistic Project Bidding – Promoted via flexible revenue rates for each individual piece of equipment
  • Reduction In Emergency Situations – Automated PM promotes a significant reduction in overall operating costs while also ensuring that your equipment spends more time in functional job service
  • Simplified Equipment Tracking – Enables real-time awareness of equipment moves and locations
  • AND Real-time Asset Allocation & Planning – Accurate daily fleet management of equipment assets and costs promote an improved bottom line.

Assignar construction software delivers accuracy with simplicity, preventive maintenance with assurance, and cost saving as a natural component of applied dedicated construction contractor software. Get started for free: Access the Assignar fleet maintenance program now!


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