3 Steps to a successful software implementation

3 Steps to a successful software implementation

Software implementations in any business can be long and complex. When implementing it’s important to first have a plan and this can be completed internally or in conjunction with you Customer Success Manager. The other key to a successful software implementation is training. It’s important to have a clear understanding about what the software can and cannot do and also have all staff who will use it daily trained appropriately. In this infographic we cover the 3 steps to a successful software implementation:

  1. Get training from the software company you are going to be using. Utilise the free or paid training they offer, also check out their user guide and if they have any webinars that yourself or the team can jump on for more training on new features, this is a key to successful software implementations.
  2. Training formats of the different departments or stakeholders. This is a crucial step in a software implementation because each department will use the software for its specific purposes and it’s important to understand what elements of the software they will implement and use on a daily basis.
  3. Always revise, revamp and refresh – offer your staff upskilling in the software. Do they run training days or seminar. Is there a new feature just launched that you’re not using but could. Always establish who is the Assignar champion for each department and make sure they are driving the adoption and daily usage of the software.

At Assignar we focus on making sure each customer has a great software implementation experience. We have dedicated Customer Success Managers that are assigned to you when you sign up with our software and work closely with you to ensure a smooth implementation process occurs. Request a demo to find out more!

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