2016 Construction Industry Trends

2016 Construction Industry Trends
We look at the 2016 construction trends, remember it’s always important to keep up to date with what is going on in your industry. There are three key areas that are trending and are being pushed through innovation. The three areas we think are going be pushing the construction industry forward are:
  • Technology – This will see the biggest change in construction. Making businesses more efficient, more profitable and give them more visibility and real-time data about their workforce, projects and clients than ever before.
  • Staffing – Concerning change for employers in the changing environment of a skilled and knowledgeable workforce.
  • Going Green – This is a necessary area for change. Construction has long been one of the most damaging industries for our environment, with advances in technology we are able to reduce the overall impact that construction has on the environment.


In 2016 it’s all about technology, going green and how we can be most accurate and efficient with the resources we have. By embracing these three elements you can equip your construction business with the ammunition to go to another level and scale.
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